Why Chic-fil-A is a great role-model for a small business

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Oct 26, 2010

 Why Chic-fil-A is a great role-model for a small business
I was plan­ning recent­ly to write about Chic-fil‑A, but a friend beat me to it. Mar­cus Sheri­dan did an excel­lent job explain­ing some of the key fac­tors in the tremen­dous suc­cess of this unique com­pa­ny. Instead of repeat­ing every­thing Mar­cus said, I rec­om­mend you take a few moments to read 8 Rea­sons Why Chic-fil‑A Has the Best Busi­ness Mod­el in Amer­i­ca. In addi­tion to Mar­cus´ com­ments, I want to give two more rea­sons I think Chic-fil‑A is a good role-mod­el for a small busi­ness: Chic-fil‑A has a great mod­el of ser­vice — not can I take your order” ser­vice, but real­ly how can I serve you” ser­vice! The CEO, Truett Cathy, is an amaz­ing exam­ple of ser­vant lead­er­ship from the top down. He is con­stant­ly giv­ing back to his com­mu­ni­ty, his church, and his employ­ees. This kind of com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment is evi­dent at all lev­els of the chain. Even in the small details, the com­pa­ny exudes gen­uine ser­vice. When you thank a Chic-fil‑A employ­ee for their ser­vice, their response isn´t, uh-huh. Next cus­tomer in line please!” or even you´re wel­come.” The ser­vice train­ing at Chic-fil‑A teach­es employ­ees to respond with a smile and a gen­uine, my plea­sure!” I real­ly get the feel­ing that they enjoy serv­ing their cus­tomers — prob­a­bly because those employ­ees feel served by their man­age­ment. What if all small busi­ness­es could real­ly give their cus­tomers that feel­ing: We love work­ing for you… it´s a priv­i­lege!” A suc­cess­ful com­pa­ny is only as good as their employ­ees, and Chic-fil‑A invests whole­heart­ed­ly in the suc­cess of their peo­ple. Anoth­er stand­out qual­i­ty of Chic-fil‑A is their absolute com­mit­ment to their core prin­ci­ples. The most promi­nent exam­ple is their chain-wide Closed On Sun­day” pol­i­cy. The own­ers are Chris­tians and believe that the Bible teach­es Sun­day as a day of rest and wor­ship, and they have deter­mined to live by this. They work hard pro­vid­ing an excel­lent prod­uct six days a week, and on Sun­days, their employ­ees (reli­gious or not) can take time for fam­i­ly or what­ev­er is most impor­tant in their lives. You would think that with time, see­ing how many Amer­i­cans eat out on Sun­days (espe­cial­ly after church), the chain would be tempt­ed to cave in on this. They have remained faith­ful to their prin­ci­ples, how­ev­er, and this has not hurt their prof­its or their rep­u­ta­tion. First Samuel 2:30b reads, “…But now the LORD declares: ´Far be it from me, for those who hon­or me I will hon­or, and those who despise me shall be light­ly esteemed.´” As a small busi­ness own­er, I can learn from the suc­cess of this com­pa­ny and fol­low their exam­ple of remain­ing true to what I believe. I share the same beliefs as the own­ers of Chic-fil‑A, and I am remind­ed to hon­or God in my busi­ness and not com­pro­mise, even if it looks like I am los­ing poten­tial prof­it. I believe that any small busi­ness own­er that firm­ly stands on con­vic­tions and refus­es to com­pro­mise will be suc­cess­ful, espe­cial­ly if he or she is trust­ing in God.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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