Why Is It Important to Keep Getting More Online Reviews

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Jan 4, 2017

 Why Is It Important to Keep Getting More Online Reviews
Online reviews have been around for well over a decade now. It grew in pop­u­lar­i­ty thanks to ser­vices like Ama​zon​.com. It then began to find a place in the home improve­ment indus­try, espe­cial­ly in Google’s local search and ser­vices like Yelp. Con­sumers are rely­ing less and less on what their neigh­bor’s think about a ser­vice provider and putting more faith in the reviews they see and read about online. Can you blame them? Most of us don’t con­nect much with our neigh­bors any­more. We whip out our smart­phone to do our research now!  So why is it impor­tant that your home improve­ment com­pa­ny keeps up with get­ting more reviews online?

Mobile Search Dominates

First, mobile search now out­ranks desk­top search­es. Soft­ware com­pa­nies are mak­ing it eas­i­er for con­sumers to write reviews using their smart­phones. There­fore, it is get­ting eas­i­er for a home improve­ment con­trac­tor to ask and attain more reviews from their cus­tomers because of the use of smart­phones. I have dis­cov­ered that it is eas­i­er to ask a cus­tomer in per­son to write a review if they have a smart­phone. Doing this from a desk­top nor­mal­ly takes a few extra steps. When a con­sumer search­es for a ser­vice provider from his or her smart­phone, reviews are dom­i­nat­ing as well. Here is an exam­ple. I opened up my Google Maps App on my iPhone. I typed in the fol­low­ing in the search results, painters in San Diego.” Look at the results and how reviews are promi­nent! Notice that it does not show the total amount of reviews on the app unless I click to learn more. This is actu­al­ly a bless­ing in dis­guise! One has to click to learn more! Yet what is impor­tant is your over­all rat­ing. We’ll talk more about that below. 

Main­tain a Good Rating

Peo­ple tend to be more reac­tive than proac­tive. If you do not have a lot of reviews, all it takes is for 1 or 2 bad reviews from a sour client or past employ­ee to make you take the defen­sive, reac­tive stance. By keep­ing up on reviews and main­tain­ing a good over­all rat­ing — you will be ahead of the game. Where­as a cou­ple bad reviews won’t both­er you so much…and you can sleep at night! I have seen a num­ber of home improve­ment com­pa­nies that do not work hard at ask­ing for online reviews. I know that these com­pa­nies do great work over­all. How­ev­er, here is where the prob­lem occurs: If your com­pa­ny does a good job on some­one’s prop­er­ty, a cus­tomer is hap­py and sat­is­fied. Chances are he or she will not feel oblig­at­ed to write a review because your com­pa­ny did what you said you would do. The online reviews hap­pen more organ­i­cal­ly when your com­pa­ny makes a mis­take that real­ly upsets the cus­tomer OR when your com­pa­ny goes beyond the norm (extra mile). So a cus­tomer will write a neg­a­tive review if they were pissed off or they will write a review when they were over­whelmed by you going the extra mile.  Yet let’s face it, most of the time, we run a busi­ness to do what we say we will do. Our goal is not to piss off a client, right? It is also dif­fi­cult to ALWAYS go the extra mile on every project. So get­ting and main­tain­ing reviews online is a chal­lenge. Yet if you are not care­ful, your com­pa­ny can be in dan­ger of hav­ing an over­all rat­ing that is not impres­sive. To get past that, your com­pa­ny has to have a plan to active­ly ask for reviews. This can­not stop! It must con­tin­ue to be part of your busi­ness plan.

Reviews Do Get Old

One final rea­son to con­tin­ue to get reviews. I have seen com­pa­nies have a review blitz. I watched one paint com­pa­ny basi­cal­ly have NO reviews on a review site called Houzz.” In 2 – 3 days, this paint com­pa­ny had over 30 reviews. It looks like what they must have done is emailed or called cus­tomers ask­ing to write a review on Houzz. Good for them! It worked! Great job, right? Yes and no! It is nice to see that this com­pa­ny now has a strong com­pet­i­tive edge over their com­peti­tors. Yet what began to hap­pen is that the reviews began to taper off on Houzz. All reviews on that site have a date! So you’ll see 30 reviews that hap­pened all at once and then noth­ing for almost 9 months. Con­sumers will just be get­ting smarter in the years to come. They can look at the dates and know that those dates get stale. They might be able to fig­ure out that the com­pa­ny had a review blitz. Hav­ing a more con­sis­tent and steady approach to build­ing and main­tain­ing reviews will always prove to be more effec­tive in the long run. You won’t have to wor­ry about a neg­a­tive review here and there. As you enter anoth­er year of busi­ness, make sure you keep up on online reviews. It has many benefits!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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