Last weekend, I took three of my kids to Denny’s for breakfast. I have not been to Denny’s in over a year, but do remember one thing about my experience: the General Manager’s involvement. The
GM serves coffee to his patrons. I watched as he walked around filling cups of coffee with a smile on his face. He was incredibly nice to my children when he served my table. It was amazing to see how other people responded to him. This is also not something he does from time to time. He makes it a regular point to spend time with his customers: at DENNY’S! So how do you avoid customer complaints once and for all in your service business? As the
CEO, President or General Manager of your business, make it a point to serve your customers. Spend time visiting your job sites, writing personal thank you notes, calling and thanking clients for working with you, and __________ (fill in the blank of what you can do). When the owner or senior management is more active in the company, customers are less prone to complain and be a pain. One more thing, it isn’t just showing up and smiling either. It is making customers feel important. If they know you are there to serve, things almost always go well.*
*almost always go well…sometimes, you’ll get a bad apple
About David Chism
David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.