4 Ways To Increase Online Reviews

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Sep 15, 2015

 4 Ways To Increase Online Reviews

Get­ting your cus­tomers to leave their feed­back on some of the major search and online direc­to­ries is a great way to help increase your online expo­sure for poten­tial cus­tomers. Review sites like Yelp, Google+, and Houzz typ­i­cal­ly show up very high in search results when a con­sumer is look­ing for a ser­vice company.

There are plen­ty of tech­niques and ways ser­vice com­pa­nies receive online reviews from their cus­tomers. If you are still strug­gling with the best approach for your busi­ness, below are four ways that can help increase your online reviews.

1 Set Expec­ta­tions Right Upfront

From the moment you are clos­ing the job, begin to let your new or exist­ing cus­tomer know that you want to do a great job and make sure they are 100% pleased. Then let them know that after the project is done you would like your cus­tomer to do a review about the expe­ri­ence online. This does not have to sound sales dri­ven or pushy. Just a quick con­ver­sa­tion, a heads up! Get them to acknowl­edge this up front!

2. Give Them a Report Postcard

If you have already prepped a cus­tomer up front, you can fol­low up at the end of a job with a sim­ple report card in the form of a post card. This card should take no more than a minute to fill out. One of the ques­tions should be ask­ing again for an online review. I’d then rec­om­mend that you get the cus­tomer to com­mit by check­ing a box of his/​her review site of choice: Google+, Yelp, Houzz, etc. Then the cus­tomer either hands this card back to you or mails it back to you.

3 Turn Email & Paper Com­pli­ments Into Online Reviews

It is easy to get a cus­tomer to write a note or send an email prais­ing the work your team has done. I have found that some cus­tomers will for­get to write the online review but will send the post­card you give them with their tes­ti­mo­ni­al writ­ten on it! Oth­er times they will write a note on a final invoice, send a for­mal let­ter or note or just send an email. Yet what do you do with those hand­writ­ten or dig­i­tal praises?

Send a note back to your cus­tomer or call and thank them for the kind words. Then ask them some­thing like this, Would you mind shar­ing some­thing sim­i­lar online for us? It helps oth­er home­own­ers when research­ing us before they hire us too.” 

4. Final Fol­low Up & Thank you

Now, assum­ing your cus­tomers filled out the report card and agreed to do an online review, do a final check online with­in 2 weeks. Some­times it does take awhile for a client to fol­low through with what they said they would do. Check to see if the review is where they agreed to write it.

If they have not writ­ten the review just yet, you could then send them a sim­ple email or call to do a final check in. This check up is not just to find out if they will do a review. No, this will sound a lit­tle des­per­ate. The most impor­tant thing to find out is if they are still hap­py with the work. Some­times, even in such a short amount of time, lit­tle things hap­pen. If all is well, you can prompt them about the final review. It might sound some­thing like this, I did not see the online review you wrote. Can you point out where you wrote the review?” or you sim­ple ask if they need­ed sim­ple direc­tions on how or where to post.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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