6 Tips for Getting Painting Leads Through the Winter Months

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Dec 7, 2018

 6 Tips for Getting Painting Leads Through the Winter Months

Well, we’ve hit that time of year…

Peo­ple are doing more online shop­ping for gifts, toys, and hol­i­day spe­cials than they are for paint­ing ser­vices. Near­ly across the board our paint­ing clients are feel­ing that sea­son­al dip in leads.  So, what can you do? Here’s a snap­shot of a few suc­cess­ful strategies. wintertime marketing for painters

Idea #1: Offer a Strong Christmas/​Holiday Spe­cial for Inte­ri­or Work

Make it a strong call to action with an entic­ing dis­count for Decem­ber work only. A num­ber of our clients are offer­ing as much as 20% off new con­tracts signed in Decem­ber, and some even stip­u­late com­plet­ing the work this month as well. 

Idea #2: Offer a Longer-Term Win­ter Special”

Low­er the dis­count just a bit, and extend it through, say, Jan­u­ary or Feb­ru­ary. Book now, paint lat­er (and SAVE). This is an entic­ing offer, espe­cial­ly for peo­ple who are too busy before Christ­mas to even think about painting.  If you want to ramp up the call to action, announce how many spots are avail­able at that spe­cial rate! Just 5 spots left to fill…”

Idea #3: Explain the WHY Behind the Spe­cial Pricing

Many of our clients rarely offer dis­counts of any kind, mak­ing this a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to share an expla­na­tion behind this uni­corn sav­ings. If you’re try­ing to keep your cal­en­dar full and your team busy, let clients/​prospects know! Not in a needy way, but in a mat­ter-of-fact, trans­par­ent manner. Peo­ple appre­ci­ate this open­ness, and they’ll like­ly respond well to the reminder that you care for the team of employ­ees that you’re respon­si­ble for. 

Idea #4: Get the Word Out!

The best dis­count in the world is worth­less if nobody knows about it. Email cam­paigns to your exist­ing client list, Google My Busi­ness Offers, Face­book offers (in addi­tion to reg­u­lar posts), web­site over­lays that pop up for new vis­i­tors, and the list goes on.  Here’s a cus­tom Face­book ban­ner we put togeth­er for a client. Clean, crisp, fes­tive, and it gets the mes­sage across!

Idea #5: Share Pho­tos of the Type of Work Peo­ple Would Be Inter­est­ed In Right Now

As an exam­ple, do you offer cab­i­net paint­ing ser­vices? If you have room for a cou­ple more projects, let folks know! Share pho­tos on Face­book of the type of work you do, and announce that you can fit in 2 more projects before Christ­mas on a first come, first serve basis. Then, boost that post to your tar­get audience(s). On Face­book and Insta­gram espe­cial­ly, half your job is to plant ideas in prospec­tive clients’ minds. Let them have an emo­tion­al reac­tion! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen com­ments on client posts that say, I NEED this in my house!” That’s what you want to see.

Idea #6: Stay Con­sis­tent and PLAN AHEAD

Keep your posts flow­ing, share your pho­tos and videos, and make sure your ser­vices and brand are top-of-mind. And remem­ber, it pays to begin this type of plan­ning well in advance for next year. See what works THIS sea­son, take care­ful notes, and then roll out your strat­e­gy in Sep­tem­ber or Octo­ber. Draw­ing on his­tor­i­cal data will always help you make the best choic­es in a proac­tive fashion. If you’re read­ing this and don’t real­ly have a plan, invest­ing in mar­ket­ing man­age­ment ser­vices can be a real asset. Know­ing your num­bers, know­ing your goals, and going into each sea­son with a strat­e­gy is key, help­ing to smooth out the dips and val­leys that come with sea­son­al­ly-dri­ven (or weath­er-depen­dent!) services. So, what’s work­ing (or not work­ing) for YOUR mar­ket­ing this win­ter? Let us know below!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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