6 Years Later, The Shocking Truth of Blogging Has Not Changed
6 Years Later, The Short Story Version I started my first painting blog for my dad’s paint company in May of 2006. We’ve dabbled with a little SEO work in the past, but the thing that has kept him at the top of search engines in America’s finest city, San Diego, was good ‘ol blogging. In six years of writing blogs, it still works. My dad’s company spends next to nothing on consistent blog writing. The fruit of those labors have only produced more traffic, more leads and lots of copy cats! Hey, can’t be upset about people wanting to copy you, as the saying goes, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” My dad’s Painter For a Day program also spread to hundreds of painters across the country. How did people find out about it? Blogging and the web! Google Still Likes Blogs Google is changing their search criteria again soon. They will actively and aggressively be filtering websites that try too hard to be ranked well. Instead, they will be looking for sites that provide quality and helpful information to their audience. So forget about keyword stuffing and just write, and write blogs your customers will want to read. Don’t worry about not getting lots of comments and subscriptions. Focus on quality content and you will see your website traffic increase. If Nothing Else, Read This Article So for the past few years, I’ve been on a soap box telling contractors they must be writing consistent and quality blog post. Instead of me continuing this message, I’ll turn it over to my friends at SocialTract who explain the benefits of “Content Marketing” using blogs. Take a moment and read their latest blog: “How Consistent Blogging Can Grow Your HVAC Business.” The takeaway is simple, remove the words “HVAC” and insert your business “Painting” “Remodeling” etc. If you need help writing consistent blogging, let me know. I’ll point you in the right direction.