A Brief Update on Video Marketing for 2022

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Aug 18, 2022

 A Brief Update on Video Marketing for 2022

Con­trac­tors! Are you ready to up your con­tent mar­ket­ing game? It’s time to get into videos.

My clients know how hard I push for qual­i­ty pho­tos. You’ve got to take those pics and make it part of your whole job process. That’s still key, but videos are becom­ing just as (maybe even more!) impor­tant these days. 

If you find peo­ple in your indus­try who are crush­ing it on social media, you’re going to find a LOT of videos on their accounts. On Insta­gram in par­tic­u­lar Reels are wild­ly pop­u­lar, giv­ing you a short-form plat­form for get­ting in front of peo­ple in a quick and cre­ative way. 

But before we get into the uses, I need to pump the brakes. As a busy busi­ness own­er myself I know exact­ly what you’re think­ing and feel­ing: Okay, this all sounds good, but how do I make the time, and isn’t video mar­ket­ing crazy expen­sive if it’s done well?”

Two types of video mar­ket­ing for contractors

Think of your video mar­ket­ing efforts as two buckets:

  • Buck­et 1: rou­tine social media content

  • Buck­et 2: pol­ished videos

It is SO EASY to over­think Buck­et 1. Have some­one on your team cap­ture 8 sec­onds of a painter spray­ing a door. Take a 6‑second video of a rooftop view while you’re lay­ing shin­gles. Take a quick video walk­ing through a bath­room you just remodeled. 

Just grab the video. Short, quick, and easy. You have more tech­no­log­i­cal pow­er in your smart­phone than NASA had to land on the moon. Don’t over­think it. As long as your video rep­re­sents you well (no safe­ty con­cerns, messy job­site, pro­fan­i­ty, etc.), cap­ture the con­tent and start post­ing. You’ll see what peo­ple respond to most and then you can go and get more of it. 

Buck­et 2 is the pol­ished videog­ra­phy used for spe­cif­ic mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es. If you’re going to pay for ad place­ment on TV or a stream­ing ser­vice, obvi­ous­ly you want a high-qual­i­ty video with good light­ing, edit­ing, voiceover work, etc.

 A Brief Update on Video Marketing for 2022

Get­ting start­ed with video marketing

Keep these ideas in mind:

  • Local TV sta­tions will typ­i­cal­ly pro­vide your com­mer­cial spots free of charge if you com­mit to a cer­tain spend. If you real­ly don’t want to pro­duce it your­self, or man­age your own video pro­duc­tion, work with the local TV folks. Qual­i­ty can be a hit or a miss, so def­i­nite­ly look at exam­ples they have pro­duced and make sure you work with a good script writer!

  • Hire a local video­g­ra­ph­er to shoot a cou­ple spots for you. I’d keep it sim­ple to start and ask the firm to give you sev­er­al options for fin­ished com­mer­cials that are :15 and :30 sec­onds. You can then take these videos and look at a few ways to mar­ket them: YouTube Ads, Face­book, or OTT (stream­ing devices). You can even deliv­er these to a TV provider to use.

  • YouTube tip: one of the cool things about YouTube video adver­tis­ing is that you can use skip­pable or non-skip­pable ads. When you do a skip­pable ad, you only get charged when some­one watch­es the :30 spot. This is a great way to see how well your com­mer­cial is work­ing — test and verify!

  • Cre­ate shorts” for social media, like I out­lined above (Buck­et 1). Reels, YouTube shorts, sto­ries, and Tik­Tok are all pow­er­ful tools, but just remem­ber to keep your audi­ence and goals in mind. For exam­ple, if you’re cre­at­ing con­tent for 55-year-olds with plen­ty of dis­pos­able income, you prob­a­bly won’t find them on Tik­Tok. Face­book would be a bet­ter fit. But if you have an awe­some hir­ing video and you’re try­ing to attract new appren­tices, Tik­Tok would be an ide­al plat­form for launch­ing your recruit­ing efforts.

The take­away?

Video adver­tis­ing is more afford­able and acces­si­ble these days than in pre­vi­ous years, depend­ing on the plat­form where you are pro­mot­ing your brand. For a long, long time, tra­di­tion­al TV was out of most of my clients’ league. It was only for the very large firms who could do a few com­mer­cials. I now have quite a few cus­tomers using all sorts of video on cable TV, stream­ing ser­vices, YouTube, Hulu, Face­book, and more for $500 – 12,000+ a month (depend­ing on goals).

Let me know how you’ve been using more video in your marketing.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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