A Few of My Favorite Apps for My iPhone

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Oct 8, 2014

 A Few of My Favorite Apps for My iPhone

I thought it was time to share a screen­shot of my iPhone to help those of you who are won­der­ing what apps I use and why. I use my iPhone and iPad pri­mar­i­ly for busi­ness and a lit­tle plea­sure. I rarely play any games, so you’ll notice my main screen is most­ly for busi­ness with a few per­son­al apps sprin­kled in too. The most-used apps you’ll find at the very bot­tom. The ones at the very top are the sec­ond most-used, with the ones in the mid­dle get­ting used a lit­tle less. All oth­er apps are on the sec­ond screen, which I’ve not includ­ed in this blog. Those are all misc. apps that I use from time to time or am test­ing out. I can eas­i­ly access them through the iOS Spot­light menu when I need them. 

So, what are the above apps and why do I use them?

Best iOS I Use for My Busi­ness & Per­son­al Life

  • Phone
  • Wun­derlist: I have been using Apple’s Reminder App for sev­er­al years, but I recent­ly switched to Wun­derlist. The main rea­son for switch­ing was rather sim­ple: I want­ed to be able to assign tasks and sub­tasks to oth­er peo­ple (del­e­gate), and to be able to com­ment on those tasks. I find Apple’s Reminders very cool and sim­ple to use, but it lacks the col­lab­o­ra­tion aspect that can be so valuable.
  • Gmail: I rarely use Apple’s Mail. I don’t like the inter­face. I also just like to avoid any Google and Apple sync­ing issues. So, because I use Google Apps for work, I pre­fer to use Google Appli­ca­tions when­ev­er pos­si­ble. It just works! I also like that I can send emails from my device and it will include my desk­top or mobile sig­na­ture. I can also set my away mes­sage from the Gmail app. Final­ly, I can attach and save files to Google Dri­ve, which I use everyday.
  • Cal­en­dars 5: I have been using Cal­en­dars 5 for about 2 years now. It real­ly is per­haps the best Google Cal­en­dar app out there. It is very easy to use and looks great. I also select­ed this because I have few­er sync­ing prob­lems and don’t have to rely on Apple’s Cal­en­dar pro­gram. Read more about Cal­en­dars 5
  • Base: I’ve also been using Base CRM as my go-to cus­tomer rela­tion­ship and sales tool. Although I like oth­er CRMs like Pipeline Deals, Sales­force and Zo, I have set­tled on Base as my CRM of choice. It works won­der­ful­ly for mobile users. Learn more about Base
  • Ever­note: This nifty pro­gram helps me remem­ber just about any­thing! I save all sorts of fun things in Ever­note. Ever­note even allows you to add extra secu­ri­ty on more impor­tant notes, docs and receipts. If I need to know what type of water fil­ter I used for my refrig­er­a­tor, I can find it in sec­onds using Ever­note. Or if I want to find a VIN num­ber for a cer­tain car, Ever­note does the job!
  • Vox­er: I have also been using Vox­er for prob­a­bly 3+ years. It has been my go-to app for Walkie-Talkie-like fea­tures. It is a fast and easy way to get quick mes­sages to my co-work­ers, cus­tomers and fam­i­ly mem­bers. Addi­tion­al­ly, it can be used as a sin­gle mes­sag­ing app or with large groups. On the oth­er hand, Vox­er’s same fea­tures can be found on the new iOS 8 soft­ware in iMes­sage. So, while it’s still handy, I am slow­ly using Vox­er less and less.
  • Safari: Although I’ve tried a half dozen oth­er browsers, even Google Chrome for iPhone, I still like Apple’s Safari the best. Very easy to use.
  • Weath­er: I have set­tled on two weath­er apps: Apple’s built in appli­ca­tion as seen on my screen, and WeatherBug.
  • Business/​Fin: You’ll see I have some oth­er apps that are busi­ness or finance relat­ed. I’ve put these in a Group Cat­e­go­ry. In here I have my Bank, Van­guard, cred­it card apps, pass­word apps, Pho­to Markup app, and so on. They are fre­quent­ly used but not quite as often as the stand-alone apps.
  • Base­camp: I have tried many of the most pop­u­lar Project Man­age­ment apps on the mar­ket, includ­ing Yam­mer, Google+, Strike and oth­ers. Base­camp was one of the pio­neers for online project man­age­ment and has remained the leader. Although some­times their updates are not as fast and cool as new­er prod­ucts out there, I still will con­tin­ue to use Base­camp. If you learn how to use it, it works very well both for inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions as well as for when you need to bring a cus­tomer into the mix. Many of my cus­tomers have set­tled on Smartsheet for more than project man­age­ment. I’ve writ­ten about that here.
  • Dri­ve: For years I used Drop­box for file stor­age and shar­ing. It was the best cloud file app ever. Google Dri­ve has been hard at work to make their prod­uct just as good if not bet­ter than Drop­box. Late in 2013, I switched over to exclu­sive­ly using Google Dri­ve for my doc­u­ment cre­ations, col­lab­o­rat­ing on files, shar­ing and stor­age. I can store pic­tures, google files and even microsoft Word and Excel docs.
  • iOS Mail: Def­i­nite­ly my sec­ond choice for email­ing and check­ing mail. I do leave it on here and keep my per­son­al email separate.
  • Face­book & Google+
  • Hang­outs: This is a prod­uct by Google. It is their Chat pro­gram for any­one using Gmail. I can also make phone calls and do video con­fer­enc­ing with peo­ple. This could be a good tool if you want­ed to have a mul­ti-call with sev­er­al employees.
  • Ama­zon
  • Fresh­books: Per­haps one of the eas­i­est invoic­ing and light account­ing soft­wares on the mar­ket. I’ve used it for 5+ years. I know most use Quick­books, but my accoun­tant is fine with me using this pro­gram. My cus­tomers think it is easy to use too when they pay their bills. Learn more about Freshbooks
  • Scan­ner Pro: I’ve used Tur­bo Scan and Scan­ner Pro. They are basi­cal­ly the same prod­uct, but I have set­tled on Scan­ner Pro because I like the com­pa­ny that devel­ops the app: Read­dle. They make my favorite Cal­en­dars 5 app too. If you want to snap a pic­ture of a receipt and quick­ly upload it to Drop­box, iDrive, Google Dri­ve, or Ever­note, Scan­ner Pro makes this easy. It looks like a scanned copy. If you need to get loose papers or signed con­tracts quick­ly emailed or saved, Scan­ner Pro works per­fect­ly for this. You can scan mul­ti­ple pages and make it 1 doc­u­ment. Learn more about Scan­ner Pro
  • Maps: I go back and forth between Google and Apple Maps. Apple’s Map has got­ten sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter in recent months. On a few trips late­ly, I noticed Apple Maps per­form­ing a tad bet­ter than Google. So as of fall 2014, I’ve moved Google Maps to the sec­ond screen of my iPhone.
  • Spo­ti­fy: I have used Pan­do­ra and Apple’s Music quite a bit and find Spo­ti­fy to be the best music app on the mar­ket. I recent­ly tried BEATS App but still pre­fer Spo­ti­fy. If you use some­thing like Spo­ti­fy for $10 a month, you real­ly don’t need to down­load a bunch of songs onto your device, ulti­mate­ly sav­ing space.
  • Ligo­nier RSB: RSB stands for Ref­or­ma­tion Study Bible, and this is my go-to Bible app. If I want to lis­ten to the Bible while dri­ving, how­ev­er, I’ll use You­Ver­sion.
  • Mint: I use Mint for my per­son­al finances. It is super easy to use! I can have instant access from any com­put­er or device. Mint is owned by Intu­it and has always been free. I’ve used it almost since day one of its release (near­ly a decade!).
  • Pho­tos: I use the iCloud Pho­to Shar­ing quite often these days. I have a few com­pa­nies that send me their job pho­tos too. I can com­ment and like pho­tos that are shared and pro­vide feedback.
  • Mes­sages: I’ve left this app in the orig­i­nal loca­tion since I first got my iPhone. Because of the new iOS 8, I now use iMes­sage even more for group discussions/​chats and short audio text. With group chats now, a com­pa­ny can see where their employ­ees are locat­ed, which is a real­ly cool fea­ture. You can also opt out of a group (snooze) if you are receiv­ing too many texts.
  • Set­tings
  • Keep­er: This app is used for stor­ing my hun­dreds and hun­dreds of usernames/​passwords and oth­er impor­tant info. There are a lot of good pass­word keep­ers out there, but Keep­er has been a fan­tas­tic app that I’ve used since I first got my iPhone, if not ear­li­er. It works on all devices I use.

So there you have it. These are my go-to apps, used per­haps every­day. What are your favorite busi­ness apps? I’d love to see them and learn why you like them. Hope­ful­ly this helps you to be more pro­duc­tive too!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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