A Follow Up Program for Mobile & Gmail Users
Does this sound familiar? You sit down to check your email inbox and realized that 75% of your emails do not need an immediate response? If you are using Microsoft Outlook, you can quickly “flag” or create a follow up/reminder for the emails that you can respond to at a later time. But what about for those of us using Google Apps, Gmail and a mobile device such as a Blackberry, iPhone or a Droid? I get emails almost every few minutes during the day. Prioritizing, setting reminders and follow ups are crucial for me so I don’t waste time. Thanks to a new program called Followup.cc, it has made my scheduling and responding to emails easy and a major time saver. Now when I get an email on my phone or Gmail, I don’t have to respond right away. I just use the Followup.cc service, which sets a reminder for when I want to respond. I mainly use this free service when I’m “mobile” so I don’t forget anything. It is easy for me to view an email and then forget to respond. Here is how Followup.cc works. Lets say I get an email from my credit card company saying, “Your Bill is Due on April 22nd.” Well, I don’t need to pay it right now, so I will use Followup.cc to remind me of this email at a later date. To set a reminder for April 20th, I will click “Forward” and type in “April20@followup.cc” and hit “Send.” I will then get a reminder email on April 20th to pay my credit card bill. It’s that simple. Now, with any program I use these days, I have a wish list of things I’d like to change. Instead of having to type in an date or time @followup.cc I’d much rather have a simple application that does the dates and times for me. In other words, I’d like my phone or Gmail program to have a calendar and time dropdown menu where I can select when i want to be reminded instead of hitting the forward button and manually typing in everything. However, Followup.cc is a good start for mobile users. Once you get use to the program, it is pretty easy.