A Follow Up Program for Mobile & Gmail Users

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Apr 9, 2010

Does this sound famil­iar? You sit down to check your email inbox and real­ized that 75% of your emails do not need an imme­di­ate response? If you are using Microsoft Out­look, you can quick­ly flag” or cre­ate a fol­low up/​reminder for the emails that you can respond to at a lat­er time. But what about for those of us using Google Apps, Gmail and a mobile device such as a Black­ber­ry, iPhone or a Droid? I get emails almost every few min­utes dur­ing the day. Pri­or­i­tiz­ing, set­ting reminders and fol­low ups are cru­cial for me so I don’t waste time. Thanks to a new pro­gram called Fol​lowup​.cc, it has made my sched­ul­ing and respond­ing to emails easy and a major time saver. Now when I get an email on my phone or Gmail, I don’t have to respond right away. I just use the Fol​lowup​.cc ser­vice, which sets a reminder for when I want to respond. I main­ly use this free ser­vice when I’m mobile” so I don’t for­get any­thing. It is easy for me to view an email and then for­get to respond. Here is how Fol​lowup​.cc works. Lets say I get an email from my cred­it card com­pa­ny say­ing, Your Bill is Due on April 22nd.” Well, I don’t need to pay it right now, so I will use Fol​lowup​.cc to remind me of this email at a lat­er date. To set a reminder for April 20th, I will click For­ward” and type in April20@​followup.​cc” and hit Send.” I will then get a reminder email on April 20th to pay my cred­it card bill. It’s that sim­ple. Now, with any pro­gram I use these days, I have a wish list of things I’d like to change. Instead of hav­ing to type in an date or time @followup.cc I’d much rather have a sim­ple appli­ca­tion that does the dates and times for me. In oth­er words, I’d like my phone or Gmail pro­gram to have a cal­en­dar and time drop­down menu where I can select when i want to be remind­ed instead of hit­ting the for­ward but­ton and man­u­al­ly typ­ing in every­thing. How­ev­er, Fol​lowup​.cc is a good start for mobile users. Once you get use to the pro­gram, it is pret­ty easy.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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