A GoDaddy Website for Contractors

Posted by David Chism | Tue, May 25, 2010

GoDad­dy is a full ser­vice web agency that mar­kets heav­i­ly to the Do It Your­self (DIY) small busi­ness­es. They have done an excel­lent job brand­ing them­selves as the afford­able solu­tion for sim­ple web­sites. They also pro­vide cheap host­ing options. What this means is you can devel­op a cus­tom web­site (sep­a­rate from GoDad­dy’s tools) and host the site using GoDad­dy. Host­ing is impor­tant, because this is where the data and your domain are stored. If your web­site is down” one day, this means your host­ing” or serv­er site is down. So a good host­ing com­pa­ny is very impor­tant. The down­side I see with using GoDad­dy is it is lim­it­ed when it comes to web design. To do an attrac­tive and effec­tive web­site today, you real­ly need to have an expe­ri­enced web design­er and pro­gram­mer. It is not just about the design any­more but the text used, the way it is word­ed, the lat­est web stan­dards and the back­end cod­ing. GoDad­dy and oth­er DIY web com­pa­nies have adver­tise that you can cre­ate and pub­lish your own web­sites, but is that real­ly what you want to do? Do you have the time? Do you keep up with search engine tech­niques and graph­ic design? Even though I like GoDad­dy and have expe­ri­ence using their prod­ucts, I’d rec­om­mend host­ing and build­ing your site with a pro­fes­sion­al web design­er, who has their own host. For exam­ple, I work with Pio­neer Design for all my web­sites now. Pio­neer is a small busi­ness that offers secure host­ing, design, copy writ­ing, SEO, set­ting up your email accounts, a Google Apps account and more. What I like about Pio­neer is that they are inno­v­a­tive when it comes to using tech­nol­o­gy. In oth­er words, tech­nol­o­gy does not scare them. They embrace it! They are always using the lat­est in web stan­dards, codes and design. Also, the host­ing serv­er they use is huge, so the uptime is very strong and sta­ble. Plus, if there is ever a prob­lem, Pio­neer can fix it right away, since they host the site. Oh, and they don’t own your site: the cus­tomer does. If you want to change design­ers or host­ing, they’ll give you the reigns. So, if you want a cook­ie-cut­ter web­site or want 100% con­trol of your con­tent, GoDad­dy will do the job. How­ev­er, if you real­ly want a good expe­ri­ence and don’t have the time or want to be a web design­er your­self, work with a pro­fes­sion­al web com­pa­ny. A good web design­er will pro­duce bet­ter results in the years to come.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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