A Key Reason Using a CRM Is a Must for a Contractor
If you are in the home improvement business and not using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program yet, you need to move this to the top of your list. Not having or using a CRM will hurt the growth and profits of your business. This post is for contractors who take their business seriously and want fewer dips in their lead flow. There are plenty of benefits to using a CRM. Yet in this post, I want to focus on one key reason and how it will help your lead flow ebbs and flows.
Prospecting = More Solid Leads & Sales
The one key reason you should be using a contact management program is so you can keep careful track of your prospects, leads, and customers. Ok, so you keep careful track of your dealings with contacts. So what! How is that helpful? It all comes down to helping you prospect better and keep your leads and sales stronger. It is strictly a numbers game, folks. If you learn how to use your CRM properly, you will have a gold mine of data to help prospect. By the way, you should always be prospecting. If you do not make prospecting a part of your daily or weekly task, you will see more ups and downs in your lead flow. Summarizing what Jeb Blount said about daily prospecting in his book Fanatical Prospecting:“The 30-Day Rule states that the prospecting you do in this 30-day period will pay off for the next 90 days. It is a simple, yet powerful universal rule that governs sales, ignore it at your peril… When you internalize this rule, it will drive you to never put prospecting aside for another day. The implication of the 30-Day Rule is simple. Miss a day of prospecting and it will tend to bite you sometime in the next 90 days.Then about the benefits of a CRM, Jeb goes on to say:
“There is no weapon or tool in your sales arsenal that is more important or impactful to your long-term income stream than your prospect database. Nothing. Your database of prospects is what helps you make a living now and in the future.”As much as I know most of you do not like typing in data about your prospects and customers, I do know that the more you know about your contacts, the better you will be at reaching out and closing more sales. Using your CRM properly can help you in time management by giving you better data! Here is a quick suggestion of what I mean: Within most CRMs, you can tag or categorize your contacts. I would recommend organizing your contacts by your relationship with them. You might want to try something simple like this: A) Raving Fan, B, Happy Customer, C) Customer: Now and Then, D) Prospect: Aware of Our Company, E) Prospect: Not As Aware, F) Do Not Contact, etc. You can make up categories that work for you. Then you can use these categories as a rating system. When you need a good call list, you can sort by A‑E contacts. Start with your best contacts first and work your way down the list. Anything you know about your prospects, put it in the CRM. Your data will just get stronger! If you commit to using a CRM and keeping careful records about your contacts, you will begin to see a more consistent lead flow. As a reminder, the CRM does not do the work for you. You have to use the data from your CRM and commit to prospecting. Prospecting and a solid CRM work together to grow your business. Prospecting without a CRM just does not work. You will forget important details about your contacts. If you want to learn more about prospecting, I’d encourage you to read Jeb Blount’s Fanatical Prospecting book. In fact, have everyone read it in your company!