A Review of Zoho CRM for iPhone & Desktop

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Mar 19, 2010

 A Review of Zoho CRM for iPhone & Desktop
I’ve been keep­ing a close eye on a cloud com­put­ing CRM pro­gram called Zoho CRM for a year or so now.Zoho CRM is a lot like Sales­Force but is a lot cheap­er and has less fea­tures. How­ev­er, it may not be long before Zoho because a pos­si­ble threat to the expen­sive Sales­force giant. Ben­e­fits of Zoho If you are look­ing to go to the clouds for your busi­ness (online appli­ca­tions as opposed to soft­ware installed on your desk­top) and you do not need a lot of bells and whis­tles, Zoho CRM will pret­ty much do the job. It is free for up to 3 users. I’d rec­om­mend the enter­prise ver­sion, which is around $25 a month and gives you four unique users. You can access your data from any­where around the world in real time. It also has a good email add on, inte­gra­tion to Quick­books and syncs with Out­look. Zoho CRM also syncs with a Google Apps account. By the way, I’d high­ly rec­om­mend Google Apps for your busi­ness, IF you are try­ing to get away from Microsoft Exchange and a ded­i­cat­ed serv­er. The New iPhone and Android Version For over a year, Zoho has promised Zoho CRM on an iPhone, Black­ber­ry and oth­er mobile phones. They have final­ly pulled through and cre­at­ed a Beta ver­sion. It is not an App” but a mobile-brows­er ver­sion: m.zoho.com/crm# The appli­ca­tion, as I expect­ed it to be is quite bug­gy. How­ev­er, it is also awe­some! It does not work well with Google Cal­en­dar at the moment and some of the func­tions are a lit­tle sticky” or don’t work well yet, but I expect in a few months, Zoho CRM for iPhones and Androids will be a great tool for small busi­ness users. I do not fore­see a Zoho CRM iPhone App in the near future, as that would be very expen­sive and this com­pa­ny is slow at devel­op­ing. The Bot­tom-line I real­ly wish I could ful­ly rec­om­mend Zoho CRM for my cus­tomers both for mobile and online usage. If you hap­pen to be tech-savvy and don’t mind over­look­ing a few minor bugs, then you should try this pro­gram out. It is an excel­lent start. I’ve already sub­mit­ted a few of my request to Zoho, so we’ll see if they begin to fix those bugs. Give it a try, and let me know what you think.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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