Aggressive Prospecting

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Mar 18, 2010

 Aggressive Prospecting
In this chal­leng­ing mar­ket today, con­sis­tent and some­times aggres­sive prospect­ing will be key to keep your busi­ness mov­ing for­ward. The idea of aggres­sive prospect­ing is hard for most sales and mar­ket­ing guys to swal­low. In a good econ­o­my, prospect­ing was easy. A sales guy did­n’t have to do it! Instead, the office fed him qual­i­ty leads all day long. If he was good, he’d close the deal 50+% of the time and con­tin­ue this cycle. Now, being a sales­man is a tough busi­ness, and it takes years of train­ing and doing to become an expert. But, being just a good sales­man isn’t enough when faced with dif­fi­cult times. Les­son from History Years ago, dur­ing and after the Great Depres­sion, prospect­ing, lead gen­er­a­tion and clos­ing was all the same thing. A sales­man had to hit the streets, knock on doors, make cold vis­its and calls and learn all about rejec­tion to make a sale. If he did not prospect he made no mon­ey. We can learn some­thing from that era: aggres­sive and dili­gent prospect­ing works! If you want to keep ahead of your com­pe­ti­tion and grow your busi­ness in a down econ­o­my, you need to have a prospect­ing plan. You need to get out­side of your com­fort zone. Where to Begin To begin a prospect­ing plan in your ser­vice busi­ness, start by hir­ing the right peo­ple. Make sure they have NO head trash and are com­fort­able mak­ing phone calls and meet­ing new prospects. Once you find the right peo­ple, give them the prop­er train­ing to refine their skills, agree to a good com­mis­sion or salary and send them to the streets. Their goal is to meet and greet poten­tial prospects that would be a good fit for your busi­ness and sign them up for an esti­mate or meet­ing. If you already have a sea­soned sales­man who pro­duces great results, he might make a good prospec­tor. You will just have to break him down a bit and get him use to the idea of aggres­sive prospect­ing. In this mar­ket, you need all hands on deck.” All your employ­ees must pull their own weight too. If they are not onboard ask­ing for refer­rals or sell­ing addi­tion­al work, replace them. You are build­ing a team, a loy­al team. Your job as the own­er or busi­ness man­ag­er is to moti­vate, encour­age, track results and reward for a job well done. The bot­tom­line is this: if your com­pa­ny is con­sis­tent in this mar­ket to active­ly look for work, out­side your nor­mal source of leads, you will sail ahead of your com­pe­ti­tion and leave them fight­ing an end­less bat­tle of sur­vival. Be a maverick!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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