Apple's Customer Surveys

Posted by David Chism | Thu, May 20, 2010

 Apple's Customer Surveys
I recent­ly pur­chased the new Apple iPad to test out and see if this is a good busi­ness tool for con­trac­tors. After the pur­chased, I received an email from Apple ask­ing if I would take part in a 15 minute sur­vey about my recent and past Mac pur­chas­es. I thought the email was writ­ten well and it was a great mar­ket­ing idea. How­ev­er, I was con­cerned about the 15 min­utes. But, being a huge fan of Apple, I clicked on the link and began the sur­vey. To be quite hon­est, I hat­ed the sur­vey. I was real­ly sur­prised at the lev­el of detail Apple went into in each ques­tion. 15 min­utes seemed like an hour, and I had to think real­ly hard to answer the ques­tions. I could not skip the ques­tions either. They asked me tech­ni­cal ques­tions like, How long did you spend research­ing an Apple prod­uct before you pur­chased it?” and How many sites did you vis­it dur­ing your research?” This was just a sam­pling. The ques­tions were more advanced than that. When I fin­ished I was almost upset. I kept say­ing, This is not like Apple” to myself. They make every­thing so sim­ple and easy, but this sur­vey was heavy and bor­ing. Good grief.  Mar­ket­ing Tip for Painters and Contractors My take is this: when doing a sur­vey, make it fun and keep it sim­ple. Bet­ter yet, con­sid­er doing it by phone. If you have a very hap­py cus­tomer, they’d be more than hap­py to spend 5, 10 even 15 min­utes on a phone call with you. I’ve done this a num­ber of times when I was work­ing for my dad’s paint­ing com­pa­ny. In fact, I even drove out to a clien­t’s home or busi­ness to talk to them. They’d talk for over 30 min­utes! Oh, and you don’t have to give them a gift card or buy them any­thing: just ask them! Apple did­n’t say they’d give me any­thing. I was glad to help, well not as much after the long sur­vey. But you get the point. A good sur­vey helps you bet­ter your ser­vice and know how to gear up your mar­ket­ing to past and future clients. Just make sure you don’t put your cus­tomer to sleep!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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