Are Blogs Still Relevant?

Posted by Adam Zobel | Wed, Oct 2, 2019

 Are Blogs Still Relevant?

Well, since you’re read­ing this, I guess you already know where we stand! 

But in all seri­ous­ness, this is a huge ques­tion, espe­cial­ly as best prac­tices for online mar­ket­ing con­tin­ue to evolve. The winds of change are always blow­ing, and we’re big on devot­ing time and resources to the meth­ods and strate­gies that will work best for you and your con­tract­ing business. 

So, with that said, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind.

Are Blogs Use­ful for SEO?

Yes. Def­i­nite­ly. We’re not an SEO com­pa­ny, but we work with SEO firms who still believe in (and prove) the val­ue of blog­ging for your paint­ing, roof­ing, or remod­el­ing company. 

Search engines (like Google, most­ly) look for sites that are active and chang­ing, and blogs are an easy way to keep your con­tent fresh. 

Well-writ­ten blogs that uti­lize key­words (more on this below) are also good for your organ­ic search val­ue, mean­ing that peo­ple look­ing for the ser­vices you offer online are more like­ly to find you. Bonus. 

Old SEO Strate­gies Can Do More Harm Than Good!

Gone are the days when key­word stuff­ing worked. You know, sen­tences like: Inte­ri­or paint­ing in your Cincin­nati home is essen­tial, so find­ing a res­i­den­tial house painter who offers paint­ing ser­vices rel­e­vant to your Cincin­nati home improve­ment goals is key.” 

That’s an extreme, hor­ri­fy­ing exam­ple, but you get the idea…

First of all, nobody wants to read that. Sec­ond­ly, search engines are too sophis­ti­cat­ed for those tac­tics. Thankfully. 

What do we rec­om­mend? Address ques­tions, first and fore­most, using your blogs as edu­ca­tion­al out­lets. Should I Paint My Kitchen Cab­i­nets?” There’s a sim­ple, good exam­ple. Peo­ple in your area ARE search­ing that ques­tion, user longer-form questions/​search terms, and if you can write awe­some con­tent that answers the ques­tion, it will prove valu­able over time. 

Edu­cate peo­ple, don’t just sell to people. 

Stop Blog­ging for the Sake of Blogging

Is rou­tine blog­ging impor­tant? Yes. But we rec­om­mend real­ly putting thought into your arti­cles. Qual­i­ty over quan­ti­ty! They’ll per­form bet­ter, peo­ple are more like­ly to engage with and share the con­tent, and you may score some back­links (when anoth­er site links back to YOUR content). 

We often sug­gest that our own clients chat with their sales team, ask­ing them what ques­tions and con­cerns they hear from prospects. Then, answer those ques­tions in blog and video for­mat (the video can then be embed­ded in the blog). For inspi­ra­tion, check out the awe­some con­tent being cre­at­ed by Web­foot Con­crete Coat­ings (Hey, look! They’re get­ting a back­link! Told you…). 

Anoth­er great blog­ging idea? Fea­ture projects! Talk about the process, the prod­ucts you used, and how you did the work. What may seem super mun­dane to you is going to be inter­est­ing to some­one look­ing for the ser­vices you provide.

Remem­ber To Use Social Media To Pro­mote Your Blogs

After that blog is live, share it! And tag any rel­e­vant com­pa­nies or prod­uct sup­pli­ers that you can, too. That ramps up the chance of them see­ing it and shar­ing it as well.

So, are blogs going any­where? No, not any­time soon. But it IS time to dust off your strat­e­gy and try some­thing new. 

About Adam Zobel

Adam came to us with a background in teaching, writing, and a work history that included serving numerous small businesses (including assisting with content writing and marketing efforts). He was a natural fit, and enjoys connecting with our clients, creating unique content that reflects their culture and voice. We keep him busy! Adam handles blogging, email campaigns, website content creation, copywriting for print and promotional materials, social media, letters, mailers, and more. He also does a dynamo impression of Nicolas Cage, but you didn’t hear that from us. Adam lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two boys. He is also a 1st cousin of David’s wife!


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