Are Your Blogs Boring?

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Jun 20, 2014

Blogs Are Not Dead

The major­i­ty of the con­trac­tor web­sites I see today have a blog. Many of these blogs are not active. I’ll see just a few post for awhile and then noth­ing for months. I under­stand this prob­lem as it is very dif­fi­cult to keep up on a blog. Typ­i­cal­ly a busi­ness own­er is ask­ing him­self things like: 
What should I write about?  Will peo­ple read my content?  Will they even care that I have a blog?  Will it dri­ve more traffic?  Will it bring me more work?
All are good ques­tions to ask, but per­haps one of the best ques­tions to ask is this, Are my blogs bor­ing?” Blog­ging is still very much alive and well. Blog­ging, if done right, can still be a very effec­tive way to dri­ve traf­fic and more leads to your busi­ness. It takes time. It takes a com­mit­ment to be con­sis­tent at writ­ing qual­i­ty and help­ful con­tent. Here are a few quick tips to keep your con­tent alive. 
  • Change The Name of Your Blog: Instead of call­ing it a blog, maybe call it a Learn­ing Center.”
  • Don’t Be So Wor­ried About Sub­scribers: Let’s face it, your blog may not get a lot of sub­scribers. A lot of prospects don’t go to con­trac­tor web­sites and sub­scribe to get updates about projects, help­ful tips, etc. Instead they will spend time on sites like Houzz or Pin­ter­est. The only way to real­ly get sub­scribers is to cre­ate a blog that is 100% about help­ing and edu­cat­ing peo­ple. This would require a lot of work on your end; lots of plan­ning, con­tent, videos, guest posts, and more. If you are not com­mit­ted to doing this, sub­scrib­ing to a blog should not be the focus.
  • Keep It Inter­est­ing: Write as though you were hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with a friend who does not know any­thing about what you do. Write con­tent that you think he or she would like to read. There is a young woman, who just 3+ years ago start­ed a blog called FOOD BABE. She was inter­est­ed in what was real­ly in the food she was eat­ing. So she start­ed blog­ging about just that: edu­cat­ing her read­ers on what is in their food: good and bad. In just a few years, she has per­haps had more pos­i­tive influ­ence on the food indus­try than any oth­er blog­ger. Large com­pa­nies are lis­ten­ing to her: McDon­alds, Sub­way, Chic-Fil‑A and so on. Check out her bio and accom­plish­ments here.
  • Blog About Your Projects Using Qual­i­ty Images: Hav­ing qual­i­ty pic­tures of your work is per­haps one of the best ways to keep your blog from being bor­ing. The key­word here is qual­i­ty”. It is easy to snap a few pho­tos and post them. How­ev­er, I know how it is work­ing in the field and try­ing to get good shots from your crews. 9 times out of 10, the pic­ture qual­i­ties are junk; poor light­ing, blur­ry, or not the right angle. Your read­ers don’t need to see 60 pho­tos of a project. Real­ly all that is need­ed might be 4 – 6 of your best pho­tos. Show them a before and after of an entry door that went from white to a rich rasp­ber­ry col­or. Show off a plain white room with a new col­or scheme. I call this type of blog­ging, Project Blogs”. You’ll nev­er real­ly run out of blogs to write if you can get a few good pho­tos and say a few things about the project: col­ors used, how long it took, the cost, and location.
  • Edu­ca­tion­al Video Blogs: For those of you who are not writ­ers, try doing a few video blogs. Make them edu­ca­tion­al and infor­ma­tive. Maybe do a few tips such as, Clean­ing Gut­ters” or Prepar­ing Your Home for the Win­ter”. You can also use videos to get tes­ti­mo­ni­als from your clients or to give a quick sum­ma­ry of a job you have com­plet­ed. The same rule applies here though: Make sure the videos are not shaky or corny. To avoid this, use a tri­pod when you can and do a lit­tle editing!
Hope these few tips you find help­ful. Don’t give up. Keep up the blogs and mar­ket­ing even when you are in your busiest sea­son: win­ter is com­ing again!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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