Authentic Content Is Winning for Contractors… Are You Missing the Train?

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Nov 25, 2024

 Authentic Content Is Winning for Contractors… Are You Missing the Train?

Full dis­clo­sure? I’m going to get a lit­tle pushy here, but only because this is SUCH a big deal, and it’s some­thing I believe in 100%. 

The world of mar­ket­ing isn’t a lev­el play­ing field, right? Big com­pa­nies with big bud­gets should have all the advan­tages… They’ve got the bill­boards, the glossy ads, maybe even a catchy jin­gle you hear over and over again on expen­sive radio spots.

But here’s the kick­er: social media is a great equal­iz­er, and small busi­ness­es are qui­et­ly, steadi­ly gain­ing ground, all thanks to one thing: mean­ing­ful, authen­tic content. 

If you aren’t stak­ing your claim in this prime real estate, the lit­tle guys” in your indus­try could soon out­pace you, even if they have a tiny bud­get. In fact, they ARE out­pac­ing you. And the more of this type of con­tent they cre­ate, the more leads they get, the more fol­low­ers they gain, the more jobs they sell, and the more their social media plat­forms reward” them with bet­ter trac­tion and ROI

So, what can you do? Get in the game.

What is authen­tic con­tent” for contractors?

In today’s dig­i­tal-first world, peo­ple aren’t just hir­ing con­trac­tors — they’re hir­ing experts they trust. And trust can be earned and built one piece of con­tent at a time.

Here’s the mag­ic of con­tent mar­ket­ing: it doesn’t require a sev­en-fig­ure bud­get. What it does require is authen­tic­i­ty, con­sis­ten­cy, and a gen­uine focus on help­ing your audi­ence. When done right, even a one-per­son oper­a­tion can attract just as much atten­tion as a big-name competitor.

For exam­ple, let’s say you’re a small roof­ing con­trac­tor. Shar­ing a quick video on Face­book after a wind­storm about How to spot storm dam­age in such-and-such town” can pro­vide real val­ue. And you don’t look like a storm chas­er by offer­ing a flash dis­count and knock­ing on doors. You’re just help­ing! No strings attached. 

Peo­ple feel informed and, more impor­tant­ly, they feel like you care. And that feel­ing of local con­nec­tion? It’s worth more than any bill­board, but it prob­a­bly only took you 5 min­utes to cre­ate the post from your phone.

Edu­ca­tion­al con­tent builds authority

Edu­ca­tion­al con­tent works because it posi­tions you as the expert — the per­son who knows the answer and is hap­py to share it. And that’s a rela­tion­ship cus­tomers remember.

Here are some real-world ways con­trac­tors can use edu­ca­tion­al con­tent effectively:

  • Blog posts. Break down com­mon home­own­er con­cerns like How to Choose the Right Exte­ri­or Paint for Your Spe­cif­ic House.”

  • FAQs. Cre­ate a video or post answer­ing com­mon ques­tions, like How often should I clean my gutters?”

  • Main­te­nance tips. Share sea­son­al advice tai­lored to your audience’s needs.

  • Show you’re local. Men­tion where you’re work­ing, prov­ing that you’re a real busi­ness pro­vid­ing real ser­vices right in the community. 

When you solve prob­lems before cus­tomers even hire you, you’re not just earn­ing clicks — you’re earn­ing trust and build­ing a reputation.

Video mar­ket­ing for contractors

Peo­ple don’t want to watch anoth­er com­mer­cial… Video con­tent on social media needs to be engag­ing, per­son­al, and brief. 

This should be good news! Is there val­ue in hir­ing a video­g­ra­ph­er for some anchor pieces of con­tent, or for your TV/OTT ads? YES. But do you need to rely on that for your dai­ly or week­ly posts? Absolute­ly not. In fact, it often doesn’t per­form as well on social media because it’s not real­ly what peo­ple click with (or on). 

Again, you don’t need pro­fes­sion­al-grade equip­ment or a Hol­ly­wood direc­tor to make it work. Your smart­phone and a will­ing­ness to be real are all it takes. 

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Show your work. Record a before-and-after trans­for­ma­tion of a project.

  2. Share quick tips. For instance, 3 Ways to Keep Your Deck Look­ing Fresh This Summer.”

  3. Go behind the scenes. Let peo­ple see your team in action — bonus points for humor and personality.

Not com­fort­able with being on cam­era? Maybe start with a voiceover. Film your job site, then add audio later.

Start small but stay consistent

If this feels over­whelm­ing, just remem­ber: you don’t have to do it all at once. Start with one plat­form, one type of con­tent, and com­mit to show­ing up consistently.

For exam­ple:

  • Write one help­ful blog per month and share it on your social media. Doable, right?

  • Cre­ate a sin­gle video tip each week and post it on Insta­gram reels.

  • Repur­pose your best-per­form­ing con­tent — turn a blog into a video, or break a video into small­er clips for social media.

It’s not about per­fec­tion. It’s about stay­ing top of mind for your audience. 

What’s your takeaway?

This is all eas­i­er than you think, but it’s also more impor­tant than you think. And, it’s not too late. 

So have some fun with it and do it all bet­ter than your com­pe­ti­tion is. Maybe they aren’t doing it at all, putting you in an even bet­ter posi­tion to stay far ahead.

This will be a top­ic for anoth­er time, but keep in mind that the videos and con­tent you cre­ate can also be repur­posed into pow­er­ful paid ad cam­paigns down the road, too. Why not pro­mote your best per­form­ing videos, get­ting every drop of val­ue from them?

Go ahead: stop read­ing and go film some­thing. You’ve got this.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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