Base CRM (Now called Zendesk Sell) Adds Events & Accounts

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Apr 24, 2014

Update: Novem­ber 2018: Base has joined with Zen­desk Sup­port. Their new name is Zen­desk Sell. Their pric­ing struc­ture has changed as well. It spans from $19, $49, $99 and $199 per user. I use the words Base CRM in the arti­cle below, writ­ten in 2014. Dur­ing the past sev­er­al months, the Base CRM devel­op­ment team has been very busy pro­vid­ing many valu­able updates to their sim­ple yet effec­tive Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment (CRM) cloud soft­ware. I have been using Base for the past cou­ple of years for my own busi­ness. After the last cou­ple of big updates, it has become an even bet­ter tool for my com­pa­ny. I use it dai­ly, and if you are still look­ing for a great CRM, you should give it a try your­self. It is built for small and medi­um size businesses.

Recent Updates:

Events Are Now in BaseIMG_3743

I have been eager­ly await­ing the day Base intro­duced a full blown cal­en­dar sys­tem like Google Cal­en­dar. This wish became a real­i­ty a cou­ple of weeks ago. The new cal­en­dar fea­ture is a two-way sync with Google. It is Ver­sion 1 so it will not com­plete­ly keep me from using Google Cal­en­dar. How­ev­er, if I’m man­ag­ing just my own cal­en­dar, I can use Base on the desk­top, iPhone or iPad 100% with­out hav­ing to touch Google Cal­en­dar. I can also view all of my oth­er Google Cal­en­dars with­in Base: I just can­not edit them just yet. This fea­ture is on it’s way! The rea­son I like using the Base Cal­en­dar over Google’s is that it keeps track of my meet­ings with con­tacts I have in Base already. I spend less time jump­ing around pro­grams now that this fea­ture has been released. Base has told me they are work­ing quick­ly to make the events fea­ture even bet­ter. So stay tuned…this could replace Google Cal­en­dar 100% some­day. Base has also informed me that a lot of updates are being added to the cal­en­dar fea­ture this year!


account-baseAccounts are new in Base as of late March as well. This was not some­thing I was think­ing was need­ed, but the more I spend time look­ing into Accounts, the more I think it is an awe­some addi­tion to Base CRM. In short, you can quick­ly view who your best accounts are by fil­ter­ing con­tacts or through report­ing. It is not always based on the amount of dol­lars the client spends on your ser­vices either. Maybe you have a cus­tomer who uses you all of the time? Accounts will tell you how many jobs you’ve won, how many poten­tial jobs you have in the pipeline and the total of jobs won or pend­ing with­out hav­ing to do a lot of inves­tiga­tive work. Know­ing more about your cus­tomers is cru­cial. As you review your accounts in Base, you might dis­cov­er bet­ter (more per­son­al) ways to mar­ket and keep in touch.

Oth­er Updates to Base This Spring

  • Task Noti­fi­ca­tion: Now you can cre­ate Task on the desk­top or mobile app with a bet­ter reminder sys­tem (like Google). You can be noti­fied at the time of your event, 5 min­utes before, 15 min­utes, etc. Before this update, all task reminders were set 1 hour before the deadline.
  • Task On Cal­en­dar: You can view or hide your task on the Base Cal­en­dar. This saves you from hav­ing to go back and forth between your task and events tab. This update only works on the desk­top version.
  • Push Noti­fi­ca­tion & Pop Up Reminders: Now on the iPhone/​iPad you can get pop up reminders of upcom­ing events. It also shows up in your noti­fi­ca­tion drop down menu.
  • Email, Calls & Text Mes­sag­ing: You can have your entire sales team use Base for text mes­sag­ing, phone calls and sending/​receiving emails direct­ly via the Base mobile app and desk­top ver­sion. It works very much like iMes­sage. The tex­ting fea­tures are only avail­able on the Enter­prise plan (cur­rent­ly). I hope Base changes this! But it works very well (just costs more). On this plan, users are giv­en a unique phone num­ber. The real ben­e­fit is that all com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a prospect, ven­dor or cus­tomer is tracked 100% with­in the Base CRM sys­tem. It just keeps get­ting better.
  • Report­ing: The reports on the desk­top ver­sion are eas­i­er to nav­i­gate, cus­tomize and are a bit smarter too.
  • Scor­ing: This is a brand new fea­ture. It is also only avail­able for the Enter­prise ver­sion. It is a bit tricky to set­up at the moment. How­ev­er, it is a beau­ti­ful con­cept for larg­er sales teams that deal with var­i­ous indus­tries. To read more about Scor­ing, vis­it the Base Blog.
  • Cus­tom Lead Forms: This fea­ture makes it easy to make a con­tact form on your web­site. If you want to add or remove an item on your lead form, it is a piece of cake. The screen­shot below is from my web­site. When some­one fills out their infor­ma­tion here, it goes direct­ly into my Base Leads sec­tion and noti­fies me by email. I have also set­up my Auto­mat­ed Task in Base to let me know the next course of action to take in the sales process. [cap­tion id=“attachment_2308” align=“aligncenter” width=“291”]Custom Lead Form Sample Cus­tom Lead Forms on Base CRM[/caption]
So, there have been a lot of updates as you can see from Base CRM dur­ing the first 4 months of 2014. They are also mov­ing their offices to the Bay Area to be clos­er to the Tech World”. They plan on releas­ing updates at a much faster rate this year. One of their big goals is to go head to head with Sales­force. Can they do it? So far, I’m real­ly lik­ing the func­tions of Base CRM. For those who want a lit­tle more cus­tomiza­tion with Base, check out Zapi­er (i.e. Base to Quick­books functions).

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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