Base CRM (now Zendesk Sell) For Android Brief Review

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Feb 15, 2014

 Base CRM (now Zendesk Sell) For Android Brief Review
Update: Novem­ber 2018: Base has joined with Zen­desk Sup­port. Their new name is Zen­desk Sell. Their pric­ing struc­ture has changed as well. It spans from $19, $49, $99 and $199 per user. I use the words Base CRM in the arti­cle below, writ­ten in 2014. You know I’ve been a fan of Base CRM for the past few years. I am actu­al­ly a fan of a num­ber of CRMs on the mar­ket! After all, here in 2014 you have a pletho­ra to choose from. In this post, I just want­ed to share my expe­ri­ence with Base CRM work­ing on an Android device. I have been an Apple guy for awhile now and have real­ly not done much test­ing on Android devices, so this was a bit new to me. After spend­ing some time with an HTC One and the Base app loaded on the phone for a week, how­ev­er, I was very impressed. In fact, Base CRM has more fea­tures on the Android device than it does on Apple’s iOS.

No Lim­its on Android

Apple makes it pret­ty dif­fi­cult for devel­op­ers cre­at­ing appli­ca­tions for iOS. Most of the time, the rea­son for this is to make sure that the apps are safe and close to bug-free. Over­all I like Apple’s lim­it­ed apps pol­i­cy because I’m nor­mal­ly very hap­py with the apps I use. Most are easy to use and look great. I’ve been get­ting more frus­trat­ed late­ly though with Apple’s restric­tions when it comes to busi­ness apps. I want more fea­tures per app so I don’t have to clog my phone with mul­ti­ple apps. Before try­ing Base on the Android device I thought, How can Base get bet­ter? It is already fan­tas­tic on iOS.” Well, if you’re an Android user look­ing for a CRM that has easy to use fea­tures and works won­ders on a mobile device, you’ll be pleased with Base CRM. It is the best app I’ve worked with on any device to date. Here are a few key fea­tures that make Base a great option for any small to medi­um sized business. 
  • Geo-loca­tion fea­tures: I wrote about this fea­ture in a post last year. To me, this is one of the best fea­tures for a mobile CRM.
  • Update your entire sales process from your device (prospect­ing to close)
  • Great, easy to read reports with filters
  • Cap­ture leads
  • Send e‑mails and, in the desk­top ver­sion, have them tracked
  • Access your Base Con­tacts from with­in your Android phone (you don’t need to make calls through the Base app)
  • Record and log calls (make notes about how the call went and next steps). You can’t do this on iOS
  • After a phone call is over, if the con­tact is not in Base, you can add the num­ber and info direct­ly to Base in a few short steps (you can’t do this on iOS either)
  • Offline access. You can make changes and when you come back online, it will update Base CRM
  • Upload and store doc­u­ments with­in a contact/​deal.
In short, you basi­cal­ly do not need to use the desk­top ver­sion if you have an Android phone or tablet. I’ve includ­ed a few pho­tos for you to view of the Android look. I am very impressed with Base CRM’s work on the Android device and hope Apple will be a lit­tle less strict for qual­i­ty com­pa­nies like Base (Future Sim­ple).

Who Should Con­sid­er Base

Base CRM has a lot of cool fea­tures com­ing in 2014, so stay tuned. It will prob­a­bly remain a sim­ple CRM though. What I mean by sim­ple” is that it is not try­ing to stand up against Zoho or Sales­force. Those two com­pa­nies have cre­at­ed the all in one busi­ness solu­tion. They cost more mon­ey, have more fea­tures, and have their place in the CRM world! There are also a lot of busi­ness­es who don’t want all the fea­tures and just want to track con­tacts, deals, and have a good idea of where they are at in the pipeline. Base CRM will do just that and more. It is a great task man­age­ment pro­gram and will soon han­dle appoint­ments. They’ve also prob­a­bly been the leader at mak­ing a CRM work real­ly well on Win­dows, Android, and Apple mobile devices. 
base-android-call-history base-android-call-logging base-android-calling
base-android-contact-card base-android-contact-list base-android-reports

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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