Base CRM Offering More Features and Paid Plans (Now Zendesk Sell)

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Jul 3, 2012

 Base CRM Offering More Features and Paid Plans (Now Zendesk Sell)
Update: Novem­ber 2018: Base has joined with Zen­desk Sup­port. Their new name is Zen­desk Sell. Their pric­ing struc­ture has changed as well. It spans from $19, $49, $99 and $199 per user. I use the words Base CRM in the arti­cle below, writ­ten in 2012. Base CRM (affil­i­ate link) is still one of my favorite small busi­ness CRMs on the mar­ket. The fea­tures, user inter­face and design are high qual­i­ty and sim­ple to oper­ate. Base CRM is a light­weight Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment pro­gram host­ed in the cloud.” It does what most small busi­ness sales peo­ple need it to do. The main rea­son I like Base CRM is its inte­gra­tion with mobile devices and Google Apps for Busi­ness. If you have an Android or iPhone, Base CRM has native appli­ca­tions built for each plat­form. A sales­per­son can tru­ly be on the go enter­ing sales infor­ma­tion and/​or look­ing up con­tact infor­ma­tion from anywhere. Paid Ver­sion Base has always had a paid ver­sion but the plan was recent­ly updat­ed with some added fea­tures. They intro­duced sales fore­cast­ing and a new automa­tion fea­ture which is real­ly slick. I’ve not played around too much with the fore­cast­ing, but from what I’ve seen so far, it looks pow­er­ful. The automa­tion allows a sales staff to have a com­plete sales and fol­low up process: pre and post sale. I can cre­ate as many action items as I’d like in the deals sec­tion now. So for exam­ple, if after the deal is WON” it will auto pop­u­late a set of task to the right per­son or per­sons at my com­pa­ny. This allows me to make sure I nev­er for­get and fol­low a com­plete sales/​service sys­tem. The ful­ly fea­tured (paid) ver­sion went up a bit in price. It is now $45 a month per user to receive the automa­tion and sales fore­cast­ing fea­tures. The cost is a lit­tle steep for some small busi­ness­es I work with only because most con­trac­tors only have a cou­ple of sales peo­ple. The rest only need to use Base CRM as a con­tact man­ag­er. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, at this time, Base CRM can­not pro­vide dif­fer­ent pric­ing struc­tures depend­ing on how peo­ple use the CRM. So you can­not have one per­son using the Free Ver­sion and only the sales peo­ple using the Paid Ver­sion. When you upgrade to the full ver­sion, you pay the same price per user. I believe it is a smart deci­sion for any sales orga­ni­za­tion to have a good sales track­ing CRM, and Base CRM does the job well, even for $45 a month per user. If you are wor­ried about the cost for your non sales staff, one way around this is to just make sure all your con­tacts are in your Out­look or Google Con­tacts and just have your sales staff use Base CRM. The rest can use their Google/​Outlook con­tacts. To learn more about Base CRM and what it can do, check out the pow­er­point slides they sent me. Also, stay tuned soon! Base CRM will be releas­ing a native iPad App this sum­mer. Base-crm-intro­duc­tion-keynote

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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