Base CRM's Fall 2012 Update (Now Zendesk Sell)

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Oct 10, 2012

 Base CRM's Fall 2012 Update (Now Zendesk Sell)
Update: Novem­ber 2018: Base has joined with Zen­desk Sup­port. Their new name is Zen­desk Sell. Their pric­ing struc­ture has changed as well. It spans from $19, $49, $99 and $199 per user. I use the words Base CRM in the arti­cle below, writ­ten in 2012. Base CRM from Future Sim­ple keeps get­ting more robust every month I use their prod­uct. To learn more about the details of what this sim­ple CRM can do, read my pre­vi­ous reviews on Base 1 Post Here and 2. Post Here In short, Base CRM is the best small busi­ness CRM on the mar­ket that works beau­ti­ful­ly with mobile smart­phones, tablets, Macs, PCs and Google Apps. Key fea­ture updates: 
  • It offers both online and offline access of your data when you are on the go, which many com­peti­tors do not cur­rent­ly offer.
  • Incred­i­ble native apps (installed on your device): iPhone, iPad, Android & Win­dows Phone (offline).
  • Inte­gra­tion with Mailchimp for Email Mar­ket­ing: This is a brand new fea­ture this month. It works well. You can add peo­ple to select list. I am a huge fan of Mailchimp for send­ing emails, so I am excit­ed about this new feature.
  • Send­ing emails with­in Base CRM: If I’m too lazy to send an email with­in my Google account, I can do it with­in Base. If I real­ly want­ed to, I could just use Base for sending/​receiving. (I still like my Google Apps though). It noti­fies me if the per­son has received and read my email as well. It then stores a copy with­in the cus­tomer note sec­tion. New Fea­ture: All my emails sent from with­in Google are auto BCC’d to Base. No more hav­ing to remem­ber to auto BCC or for­ward emails.
  • Sales Automa­tion: Those of you who have a set sales sys­tem in place will love their easy to use Sales Automa­tion fea­ture. You can set­up all your Sales Stages and what Task will auto pop­u­late when you’ve told it to do so. This is per­fect for those who have a sales team and want to make sure you remain con­sis­tent. Some­times this fea­ture can be over­whelm­ing, because you def­i­nite­ly will get reminders and task that you have to check off to move on. Regard­less, this fea­tures is a real plus. (Paid users only)
  • Deals: Easy to cre­ate, track and man­age deals from a desk­top or mobile device. You can add files to Drop­box, set fol­low up task, run quick reports on where you are at in the pipline/​sales stage and more. The deals in Base CRM are a real plus.
  • Pipeline & Reports: Their report­ing fea­tures got a major upgrade and facelift this Sum­mer 2012. The graphs and reports are clean­er and eas­i­er to view.
  • Easy Tag­ging and Con­tact Look up. (Mul­ti-Tags too)
  • Cus­tom Fields
  • Task Fea­tures are get­ting bet­ter. The task fea­tures with­in Base CRM are pow­er­ful but still need a bit of improve­ment. They work just fine, and I use them every­day. My main beaf” with their task man­age­ment is that cur­rent­ly I can only set task on the hour: 12, 1, 2, 3. I then get a reminder 1 hour before. I’d like more cus­tomiza­tion here. That is com­ing, from what Base has told me. So expect some Task improve­ments Short­ly. I’d like to add a fea­ture request to have Google Cal­en­dar be 100% synced to Base…no bounc­ing back and forth. I want to cre­ate an event with a cus­tomer with­in BASE and have the inter­face be Google. It is ok to have a wishlist!
  • Google Gad­get. See Above Pic­ture. I can add a note, a task or a new con­tact right with­in my busi­ness Google Apps account.
  • iPhone and iPad Apps: When Base released their almost com­plete­ly bug free iPad ver­sion in late August, they gave the iPhone a facelift too. I liked the old ver­sion, but this one still is quite user friend­ly and bug free.
  • Over­all New Design: Base CRM also was giv­en a com­plete­ly new and improved look. It is clean­er, faster and easy to use.
Base CRM is real­ly a great Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment pro­gram for the small and medi­um size busi­ness­es. For the lit­tle guy who does­n’t need it for lots of sales, he cause use Base for free. For every­one else, $15 a user for the basic plan and $45 a user for all the advanced fea­tures. It is worth the cost based on all the fea­tures and easy of use.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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