Basecamp Adds a Calendar Function to iPhone App

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Jul 20, 2013

 Basecamp Adds a Calendar Function to iPhone App

When I use a prod­uct longer than a year, it must be good! I am always on the look­out for qual­i­ty, cloud-based pro­grams that work well for small busi­ness­es. Base­camp, by 37 Sig­nals, is one of those pro­grams that I’ve used for close to a decade now. I do have a laun­dry list of things I’d like to add to Base­cam­p’s func­tion­al­i­ty, but in the mean­time, I am con­tent with the cur­rent tools and fea­tures with­in Base­camp. I have hunt­ed for the per­fect project man­age­ment tool and I keep com­ing back to Base­camp! It just works!

Cal­en­dar & Me Features

In this post, I want­ed to update my read­ers on the lat­est func­tion that was added to the iPhone App: Cal­en­dar and Me” Tabs. Before this update, you could still view the cal­en­dar indi­vid­u­al­ly with­in each project and the drop­down menu called Upcom­ing Events.” This is still pos­si­ble, but the new update makes it faster and eas­i­er to view, cre­ate and edit events. Oh before the new release, one could not edit a Cal­en­dar, just view events! You also have access to all cal­en­dars from all projects.

The Me” sec­tion gives you a list of all the To Dos and Events assigned to you per­son­al­ly. This not a fea­ture I use all that much since I tend to use Base­camp to fol­low up on oth­er peo­ple more than myself, but it still is a nice thing to have for indi­vid­u­als. It helps cut through all the clutter.

Base­camp can be very over­whelm­ing for those who are not used to run­ning and man­ag­ing projects. They look at it and are over­whelmed. For those who are employ­ees, I’d encour­age them to just use the ME tab and not freak out about all the oth­er items they see in their project(s). Leave all the oth­er things to the managers.

Keep Cer­tain Sec­tions Private

Until recent­ly, every­thing on Base­camp was open to all users. If you were hav­ing a bad day and typed a com­ment that was a bit too crit­i­cal, every­one would see it. I don’t know why it took this long to add a pri­va­cy area, but to me, this is the most impor­tant update that makes Base­camp a very valu­able tool to use even more with your cus­tomers (espe­cial­ly if you are a con­trac­tor). Now when you invite a person(s) to your Base­camp project, you add them as an employ­ee or client. If you add some­one as a client, you can turn off cer­tain sec­tions that will remain pri­vate only to you and your employees.


Base­camp for Contractors?

Are you using Base­camp in your orga­ni­za­tion? How do you cur­rent­ly use it? I would love to know via email or in the com­ments below. Base­camp is a great way to impress your cus­tomers while run­ning their project: for a 1 day project or an entire remod­el. You can cre­ate tem­plates for jobs and have your employ­ees check off all the impor­tant items relat­ed to their job. It has been proven that com­pa­nies that have a check sys­tem for their jobs have few­er mis­takes and a hap­pi­er cus­tomers! I have helped set­up Base­camp for con­trac­tors and paint­ing companies.

I will warn you: your employ­ees will balk when you inte­grate Base­camp into your orga­ni­za­tion. It is new. It is dif­fer­ent. Don’t let that stop you. I’ve set this up for my dad’s paint­ing com­pa­ny in San Diego and start­ed with 1 employ­ee at a time. It works great! My dad can now check in on any job and make sure his crew lead­ers are hit­ting the mark every time.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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