Begin Your Fall & Winter Planning This Summer

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Jul 10, 2014

 Begin Your Fall & Winter Planning This Summer

This has been one of the busiest sum­mer sea­sons for most of my paint­ing and remod­el­ing clients in over 5 years. That is a great thing, to be busy, right? The only prob­lem with being busy is that the mar­ket­ing plan begins to become a thing of the past. Plan­ning for the fall and win­ter is also the fur­thest thing from any­one’s mind. Yet, July and August are per­haps the two best months to real­ly begin think­ing and plan­ning for the slow­er sea­sons. You know they are com­ing. It hap­pens every year. 

So a few quick tips: 

  • Cre­ate an event and do not move it: This is an impor­tant event that should not be rescheduled.
  • Plan a meet­ing away from your office: It is too easy to get dis­tract­ed at the office. I’ve had some clients go away for an entire day with their staff to plan and catch up.
  • Cre­ate an agen­da with things to dis­cuss: review cur­rent and past leads, your mar­ket­ing bud­get, how much are you ahead or behind for the year, when to put the plan into place, what hap­pens if we don’t hit…etc
  • Brain­storm & Planned Dis­cus­sion: Dis­counts, Emails, Call­ing Clients, Adwords, Newslet­ter, Gifts to top cus­tomers, Appre­ci­a­tion Par­ty, etc.
  • Action Items: Once the brain­storm­ing is done, begin cre­at­ing an action plan and time­line of when things should be done. Some com­pa­nies do this in a very orga­nized 30 to 90 day action plan. Decide on the com­ple­tion date and who will own” the action. Make sure that the actions are doable and that a fol­low up plan is in place.

How do you pre­pare for the fall and win­ter time and when? What things would you add to the list and how has plan­ning ahead helped your business?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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