Begin Your Fall & Winter Planning This Summer

This has been one of the busiest summer seasons for most of my painting and remodeling clients in over 5 years. That is a great thing, to be busy, right? The only problem with being busy is that the marketing plan begins to become a thing of the past. Planning for the fall and winter is also the furthest thing from anyone’s mind. Yet, July and August are perhaps the two best months to really begin thinking and planning for the slower seasons. You know they are coming. It happens every year.
So a few quick tips:
- Create an event and do not move it: This is an important event that should not be rescheduled.
- Plan a meeting away from your office: It is too easy to get distracted at the office. I’ve had some clients go away for an entire day with their staff to plan and catch up.
- Create an agenda with things to discuss: review current and past leads, your marketing budget, how much are you ahead or behind for the year, when to put the plan into place, what happens if we don’t hit…etc
- Brainstorm & Planned Discussion: Discounts, Emails, Calling Clients, Adwords, Newsletter, Gifts to top customers, Appreciation Party, etc.
- Action Items: Once the brainstorming is done, begin creating an action plan and timeline of when things should be done. Some companies do this in a very organized 30 to 90 day action plan. Decide on the completion date and who will “own” the action. Make sure that the actions are doable and that a follow up plan is in place.
How do you prepare for the fall and winter time and when? What things would you add to the list and how has planning ahead helped your business?