Best Google Calendar App for iPhone & iPad

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Feb 4, 2014

Google Apps on iOS

In recent years, Google Cal­en­dar is per­haps one of the most wide­ly used and use­ful cloud based cal­en­dar pro­grams on the mar­ket. It offers both per­son­al and busi­ness options. A year ago, Google stopped sup­port­ing the Microsoft Exchange” set­tings on the iOS devices, which was the key to set­ting up your Google Apps seam­less­ly on the iPhone and iPad. Pre­vi­ous­ly, a user could type in his/​her Google Apps set­tings using the Exchange icon and have all cal­en­dars, con­tacts and mail in a two-way sync (like the MS Serv­er days, only better). The good news is that with iOS 7 (released in the fall of 2013), a user can now just use the Google icon (under Mail, Cal­en­dar and Con­tacts: SET­TINGS) and get the Cal­en­dar, Mail and Con­tacts to work again. So Google Cal­en­dar can work with­out much set­up or techie knowl­edge. It will just sync with the native iOS Cal­en­dar App. This is the con­fus­ing part for many non-techie users. They are not quite sure how it all works and how to sep­a­rate Apple’s iCloud cal­en­dar from the Google Cal­en­dar. So in this blog post, I’m rec­om­mend­ing an easy fix.

Cal­en­dar 5 by Readdle

calendar5-sample2It seems like every quar­ter a shiny new cal­en­dar app is updat­ed or released. I’ve tried what seems like dozens of them. If you were to look at my phone, you’d some­times see 3 – 4 cal­en­dar apps run­ning side by side! Please don’t do this. If you are not techie, you’ll dri­ve your­self crazy. Do your­self a favor and down­load the free (or paid) Cal­en­dar 5 app by Read­dle. Cal­en­dar 5 inte­grates Google Cal­en­dar the best. The col­ors you select on Google Cal­en­dar are iden­ti­cal on Cal­en­dar 5 and visa ver­sa. You can do just about every­thing on this mobile cal­en­dar as you can on the desk­top minus upload­ing doc­u­ments, but hope­ful­ly that will soon be avail­able. Cal­en­dar 5 also allows you to use Google Task or the iOS Reminders right with­in the App. The learn­ing curve on this app is pret­ty easy. They walk you through a sim­ple tuto­r­i­al. It is a bit dif­fer­ent than Apple’s cal­en­dar, so just be aware of that. I have been rec­om­mend­ing this app to a num­ber of clients, and I’ve heard noth­ing but pos­i­tive feed­back.

Change the Notifications

One final word of advice when you down­load and start using Cal­en­dar 5. Make sure you adjust your noti­fi­ca­tion set­tings. This is impor­tant so you do not get dupli­cate noti­fi­ca­tions on your smart device. You can make Cal­en­dar 5 your default cal­en­dar in the noti­fi­ca­tions cen­ter. Any ques­tions, let me know by email or in the com­ments on this post.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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