Booking Software Online Testimonial

Posted by David Chism | Tue, May 17, 2011

 Booking Software Online Testimonial
I recent­ly told a few of you about a sim­ple sched­ul­ing pro­gram for Google Cal­en­dar that I liked called You​Can​Book​.me. The over­all design of the pro­gram is not as cool as some of the larg­er com­pa­nies such as Schedulic­i­ty, Gen­books, Set­ster or Book­fresh. Yet You​Can​Book​.me works extreme­ly well with Google Cal­en­dar: almost too well. Below is a tes­ti­mo­ni­al from Steve from Bur­nett Paint­ing in South­west Flori­da (yes he has been on my blogs before) on how he is using You​Can​Book​.me and his first” expe­ri­ence with a booked lead.
Hi David, A quick tes­ti­mo­ni­al: You shared www​.you​can​book​.me with me last week. I had Javier plug it into the front page of my site right away! While its not pret­ty we are work­ing on that. Well last Fri­day I received an e‑mail on my phone while on the road for a book­ing” for Mon­day the 16th at 4pm. How the you​can​book​.me lead went: At first I was con­cerned because Mark, the prospec­t’s, e mail’s with me were VERY short. Is the guy not cool? Is this a plant from a com­peti­tor? I arrived today and learn he is a sales rep for sprin­kler sys­tems out of CA and he drinks Red Bull, HA! So he is very busy and on a sug­ar rush, too busy for long e‑mails. My cal­en­dar on my front page was PER­FECT for him. I mea­sured the inte­ri­or and hand­ed him our first rate pro­pos­al and went over it and his e‑mail chimes on his phone. Its my local com­peti­tor with their pro­pos­al. They come in at 60% of my price! I still closed the job with deposit check in hand ! Front page you​can​book​.me cal­en­dar” is 1 for 1 baby! Thanks for the you​can​book​.me cal­en­dar tip David! Steve :) www​.bur​nettpaint​ing​.com
I am impressed with Steve’s idea to put the cal­en­dar right on the home page. Most com­pa­nies put forms to fill out for some­one to con­tact the prospect. Steve decid­ed to save that step and put the cal­en­dar right on the home page, which to be hon­est, I’ve nev­er seen before. Why? Because it does­n’t real­ly look as pret­ty and cool. Web design­ers tend to design for looks rather than con­ver­sions. Yet Steve’s idea worked! Peo­ple search­ing online are typ­i­cal­ly in a hur­ry. They don’t stop to read much these days when look­ing for a ser­vice com­pa­ny. So mak­ing it easy for peo­ple to sched­ule an appoint­ment that is con­ve­nient for them, saves them time! I applaud Steve to step­ping out of the typ­i­cal design stan­dards, putting the cal­en­dar right smack in the mid­dle of his home page and doing some­thing dif­fer­ent! Well done, Steve!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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