Boost Your Facebook Post or Go Home

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Sep 18, 2017

 Boost Your Facebook Post or Go Home
Face­book has been a game chang­er in many ways on how indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es con­nect with oth­ers. Peo­ple all over the world can stay in touch so much more eas­i­ly because of Face­book’s free social media net­work. Face­book intro­duced paid adver­tis­ing a num­ber of years ago which made total sense. They had to make mon­ey some­how, right? Those ads you, nor­mal­ly as the sec­ond post when you are scrolling through your feed, pays Face­book the big bucks. I will keep this post short and to the point. This is just a friend­ly reminder that busi­ness­es that want to see a bit more fruit from their post­ing labors need to have a Face­book boost­ing bud­get. If you do not pay to boost your post, chances are your post will be seen by less than 10% of the peo­ple who like your com­pa­ny’s busi­ness page. It no longer mat­ters if you decide to post 5x a week. If you are not pay­ing to boost, you are just wast­ing your time. I was talk­ing to a close rel­a­tive of mine who has a social media posi­tion with a well-known brand in Amer­i­ca (hint: Harley). I asked him if the deal­er­ships he works for pay to boost their Face­book post. He said that they real­ly only pay to boost for an event, but they do not want to spend extra mon­ey on the reg­u­lar” post­ings! Yet they are pay­ing this guy’s salary to beef up Face­book! That is why I’m writ­ing this post! I was sur­prised such a trust­ed brand would not under­stand the game of how Face­book works! [cap­tion id=“attachment_3622” align=“aligncenter” width=“400”] For $20, I was able to have this 1 post reach close to 2k people.[/caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_3623” align=“aligncenter” width=“400”] Only 77 peo­ple saw this post, because it was not boosted.[/caption]

What is Face­book Boosting

If you are unfa­mil­iar with Face­book boost­ing, it is sim­ply a way to pay any­where from a cou­ple dol­lars to hun­dreds to get your post in front of more peo­ple. Face­book will give you plen­ty of options on how to have your post reach more eye­balls. A num­ber of years ago, a busi­ness cost write a post and know that a major­i­ty of their fans” would see their post. How­ev­er, it quick­ly got out of hand. Busi­ness­es all over the world began post­ing like crazy because it was free and easy to get in front of their tar­get audi­ence. Not a lot has changed. You can still get in front of your audi­ence. The dif­fer­ence is real­ly that sim­ple: you have to pay to play. Don’t be cheap guys! Cre­ate a Face­book boost­ing bud­get and boost those post. Start sim­ple and small! Try spend­ing $5 on a post. Cre­ate the tar­get audi­ence to be peo­ple who liked your page and their friends. See how it goes. Face­book will keep you in the loop for how well the post was received. The qual­i­ty of your con­tent is still vital! The qual­i­ty of your con­tent is still vital! You nev­er know when that $5 – 20 can reach tens of thou­sands of peo­ple. Basi­cal­ly, Face­book wants to know you are seri­ous about your busi­ness. They will test the waters and see how your post does on the Face­book feed. If peo­ple seem to like the con­tent, they will boost it more. Face­book is very care­ful about their ads. They know the con­sumer does not like see­ing a lot of ads. So they are very strate­gic in how they present your post these days.

A Word About Post Going Viral

What about a post going viral? Does that only work if you pay to play? The short answer is no. Any post tech­ni­cal­ly can go viral with­out pay­ing a pen­ny. Yet you are far more like­ly to have a post go viral the more peo­ple who see it. If you cre­ate a humor­ous video and do not pay to boost it, you’ll have to hope that the few peo­ple who see it think it is fun­ny and shares it organ­i­cal­ly. That was true with one of the videos a local Harley deal­er­ship did recent­ly. They did a Face­book live to intro­duce their new line of 2018 bikes. They did not have to do much to make that one video go viral. With­in less than 48 hours, it was viewed over 100,000. It can hap­pen but do not bank on all your con­struc­tion post going viral. Don’t be cheap guys! Have a plan, cre­ate that bud­get, cre­ate great con­tent and go to work! Boost those post or don’t post at all. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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