Brand Report | Red Robin Gourmet Burgers

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Aug 16, 2010

 Brand Report | Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
If you have nev­er heard of Red Robin Gourmet Burg­ers, you don’t know what you are miss­ing. When you are done read­ing this blog entry, make sure you put it on your to-do list to research the near­est restau­rant and take the fam­i­ly out. Red Robin has a unique Brand. They has done some­thing that many com­pa­nies have not! They wrote down their core val­ues and made it their brand iden­ti­ty. They’ve made their core val­ues the life blood of their orga­ni­za­tion. In fact, you when you vis­it a Red Robin restau­rant, the core val­ues are embroi­dered on the sleeves of each employ­ee’s uni­form. The core val­ues are: Hon­or, Integri­ty, Con­tin­u­al­ly Seek­ing Knowl­edge and Hav­ing Fun. Most com­pa­nies have a mis­sion state­ment and many even have core val­ues. But, do they prac­tice these val­ues and let each cus­tomer expe­ri­ence the dif­fer­ence? Red Robin does. Two spe­cif­ic ways Red Robin makes their brand engrained in the minds of their cus­tomers is by hav­ing very friend­ly staff mem­bers (Hav­ing Fun) and some­thing they call Unbri­dled Act® (Integrity/​Honor). The Unbri­dled Act® is a pro­gram they’ve devel­oped where they prac­tice ran­dom acts of kind­ness to their cus­tomers and the com­mu­ni­ty. Every­one work­ing at Red Robin knows and under­stand the com­pa­ny core val­ues and prac­tices them on and off hours! When I first heard about the unique brand and core val­ues of Red Robin, I decid­ed to take some friends out and expe­ri­ence Red Robin for myself. I vis­it­ed one of the San Diego loca­tions. After the meal was over and I was look­ing over my final bill, I noticed the serv­er acci­den­tal­ly charged me for an extra bev­er­age. I did not want to make a big deal but thought I should let him know. The next thing I know, a man­ag­er came to my table, apol­o­gized for the mis­take and gave me two free meals the next time I came to Red Robin. I was blown away! I came back with my wife a few months lat­er and used the free meal” coupons. That too was an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence. It is a lit­tle uncom­fort­able for me to eat out for free, but Red Robin did not make me feel this way. They basi­cal­ly said, Order any­thing you’d like…anything…even dessert. It is on us!” I’ve nev­er for­got­ten my expe­ri­ence. One final thing, not just any­one can work at Red Robin. They run a tight ship. They are look­ing for fun peo­ple! Their hir­ing expe­ri­ence is one of the best I’ve ever heard of. Instead of me telling you about it here, ask one of the servers what it was like to go through the hir­ing process. The brand of Red Robin is very notice­able to cus­tomers whether or not they’ve seen the core val­ues on the uni­forms. When peo­ple think of Red Robin, I’m sure they all have the same con­clu­sions, Good Food. Amaz­ing Ser­vice. Unlim­it­ed Refills on Fries & Most Drinks (bot­tom­less). Just a Fun Place to Eat Out!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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