Burned Out With Social Media
I’ve been noticing in the past few months that a number of service companies are getting burned out with web marketing, blogging and (especially) Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that it is a lot of work and things to juggle. A few years ago, you could put a blog or a post on auto pilot, sit back and let the leads come pouring in. Those days are over. The fad of social media seems to be settling down a little, but it still is a reality that will be around for years to come. Social media is relational, through and through. It was never meant to be put on auto pilot and today, more than ever, it still is a powerful tool to use in your business. Don’t give up on it yet. I am just here to tell you that it takes work – hard work. Social media should complement the other changes you’ve had to make in recent years. I’m hoping the changes you made were what I believe is crucial: better customer engagement and service. Customers may not comment on your blogs or share your photos with all their friends, but they do see you on the web if you are giving them great content. It is a way to engage and have a good brand online. Without further ado, I’d like to stop and let Chris Brogan’s excellent blog take over. Chris recently wrote a blog called “Social Media Fatigue.” He encourages his readership to wake up and use social media as a tool and think of creative ways to stay the course. Read Chris’s Blog and let me know what you think.