Business Email Address is a Must

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Aug 2, 2012

 Business Email Address is a Must
This will be a short post, because the title says it all, Busi­ness email address is a Must. I still see so many busi­ness own­ers and even employ­ees using per­son­al email accounts to email and engage with cus­tomers. Myname@​gmail.​com was accept­able back in the 1990s when many of us did­n’t know you could have a busi­ness email. Today, all busi­ness own­ers should con­sid­er get­ting com­pa­ny emails: yourname@​companyname.​com. It is mind bog­gling just how easy this is to do today. You can sign up for Google Apps, which is free and get up to 50 com­pa­ny emails. Oth­er­wise, talk to your IT com­pa­ny and tell them to hook you up! It is either free or inex­pen­sive, and chances are, your email or web­site provider (i.e. GoDad­dy or Web Host­ing Com­pa­ny) already offers you that option. It is more pro­fes­sion­al to engage with con­sumers with a com­pa­ny email and keep per­son­al things per­son­al. Also it is a great way to brand your busi­ness. I use my busi­ness email for a lot of per­son­al con­tact as well, because if some­one is tech-savvy enough, they’ll look up my email domain: adavid​cre​ation​.com and find my web­site and what I do for a liv­ing. This sum­mer, make the switch. Using a busi­ness email address today!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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