Can You Use a Tablet Instead of a Laptop in 2017

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Aug 18, 2017

 Can You Use a Tablet Instead of a Laptop in 2017
Tablets have come a long way since Apple intro­duced the iPad in 2010. Before then, esti­ma­tors in the field all had to use a hybrid tablet which were basi­cal­ly a full com­put­er that allowed you to write on the screen with a tablet pen. (exam­ple: Motion Com­put­ing or Toshibas). When the iPad and Android tablets hit the mar­ket, it forced users to get used to built-in apps only. This was a real chal­lenge if you were try­ing to com­mu­ni­cate with your MS office servers or cloud pro­grams like Google Apps, or even to save files to cloud ser­vices like Dropbox. So the ques­tion I’ll answer in this post is, as of August 2017, can a small busi­ness own­er or your field employ­ees get away with using a tablet, like an Apple iPad or a Sam­sung Galaxy. as their main com­mu­ni­ca­tion device? In most cas­es, I would say that the tablet can become the pri­ma­ry device for your com­pa­ny. In recent months, the iPad has real­ly been a stand­alone device to do things like: email, tex­ting, com­mu­ni­cat­ing, draft­ing pro­pos­als, esti­mates, tak­ing pho­tos, stor­ing and even sav­ing files. The biggest draw­back in years past was the sav­ing and stor­ing of files. You could use ser­vices such as Drop­box and Google Dri­ve for sav­ing and stor­ing, but it was a lit­tle clunky. It is now much eas­i­er to work with emails and attach­ments using a stor­age sys­tem. When the newest iOS arrives in Sep­tem­ber for the iPhone and iPad (11), it will be even more impres­sive: file sav­ing and shar­ing will be a cinch. How­ev­er, lap­tops or desk­tops are cru­cial for cer­tain tasks such as com­plex spread­sheets, esti­mat­ing, account­ing, draft­ing, graph­ic design and so forth, so keep­ing those com­put­ers on hand is a good idea. Some of those func­tions can be a bit chal­leng­ing on a tablet. Spread­sheets on Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets on the tablets are not as easy as using a desk­top com­put­er. Yet the func­tions as I write this blog make MOST basic and mod­er­ate for­mu­la spread­sheets work­able on the tablet. If your spread­sheet is heavy with for­mu­las and plu­g­ins, you will still need a stand­alone com­put­er. I’m curi­ous to hear how you all are using tablets in the field. What func­tions do you like and what are you miss­ing? How are you using desktop/​laptops to accom­plish what you can­not on a tablet?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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