Coffee For Painting Contractors

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Feb 4, 2010

If you are inter­est­ed in a unique leave behind gift, con­sid­er cre­at­ing a unique cof­fee blend for your busi­ness, pack­ag­ing them into 12 lb bags and giv­ing them out to your clients and poten­tial clients. You’d be sur­prised at how well this works for refer­rals and more busi­ness. The dif­fi­cult part is get­ting a cof­fee com­pa­ny to work with paint­ing con­trac­tors. They typ­i­cal­ly show a lot of resis­tance, because they don’t think there is much mon­ey to be made. If you are inter­est­ed, I do have con­nec­tions! Send me an email to learn more. I have done the research and have very good prices: cheap­er than you can get at Star­bucks, Peets, etc…and it taste good too! Fresh is the key!!! Email David

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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