Community Based Business Blog Managed by You
Want to drive more qualified business your way on the web? Sure you do! What is one easy way to begin this process online without spending a lot of money? Start your own quality blog with a group of your preferred and trusted network. Here are some pointers: What To Do
- The blog should be geared to help the local community find answers to their household questions.
- It would include blogs about: painting, HVAC, plumbing, handyman, seasonal to-dos, roofing, electrical, interior design, real estate, remodeling, cabinetry, appliances, permits, fencing, decks, flooring, and much more.
- Each company would take turns submitting their expert blogs. If one is not a writer, he or she can either do videos or hire a writer to do all the editing and posting.
- Featuring of videos, blogs, specials and a submission form to “ask a question” answered by a professional. You’d also have a form to “request an estimate”
- Optional: Have live chat. This could be monitored by a third party company or by folks within the network.
- Have an official name for your site and make it well designed with easy navigation
- Use a professional Wordpress site (marketers favorite platform) or Expression Engine, a CMS
- Create a company directory for those ready to buy. Optional to have a review system
- At a later date: After this takes off, you could offer a print version of some of your articles and helpful information for homeowners. People would subscribe to your post or printed newsletter. The print version would require more work and planning. Why is this important? Some folks still like print. As word spreads around town about what you are doing, you’ve got to be able to reach more people.
- Each company should be committed to actively referring and recommending each other.
- A consumer could type in a keyword or search from a list of categories to find answers to his or her questions.
- Search engines would pick up the articles, videos and information and overtime will push up your rankings. It is easier to write blogs about the entire home rather than 1 service. Therefore, good SEO results should be easier to obtain with quality and fresh content.
- Each service company can features his/her company each week or month: providing a better chance of more work. (this would be on a rotation schedule)
- Overtime, you will build a trusted brand that people will be talking about.