Community Based Business Blog Managed by You

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Feb 10, 2012

 Community Based Business Blog Managed by You
Want to dri­ve more qual­i­fied busi­ness your way on the web? Sure you do! What is one easy way to begin this process online with­out spend­ing a lot of mon­ey? Start your own qual­i­ty blog with a group of your pre­ferred and trust­ed net­work. Here are some point­ers: What To Do
  • The blog should be geared to help the local com­mu­ni­ty find answers to their house­hold questions.
  • It would include blogs about: paint­ing, HVAC, plumb­ing, handy­man, sea­son­al to-dos, roof­ing, elec­tri­cal, inte­ri­or design, real estate, remod­el­ing, cab­i­netry, appli­ances, per­mits, fenc­ing, decks, floor­ing, and much more.
  • Each com­pa­ny would take turns sub­mit­ting their expert blogs. If one is not a writer, he or she can either do videos or hire a writer to do all the edit­ing and posting.
  • Fea­tur­ing of videos, blogs, spe­cials and a sub­mis­sion form to ask a ques­tion” answered by a pro­fes­sion­al. You’d also have a form to request an estimate”
  • Option­al: Have live chat. This could be mon­i­tored by a third par­ty com­pa­ny or by folks with­in the network.
  • Have an offi­cial name for your site and make it well designed with easy navigation
  • Use a pro­fes­sion­al Word­press site (mar­keters favorite plat­form) or Expres­sion Engine, a CMS
  • Cre­ate a com­pa­ny direc­to­ry for those ready to buy. Option­al to have a review system
  • At a lat­er date: After this takes off, you could offer a print ver­sion of some of your arti­cles and help­ful infor­ma­tion for home­own­ers. Peo­ple would sub­scribe to your post or print­ed newslet­ter. The print ver­sion would require more work and plan­ning. Why is this impor­tant? Some folks still like print. As word spreads around town about what you are doing, you’ve got to be able to reach more people.
  • Each com­pa­ny should be com­mit­ted to active­ly refer­ring and rec­om­mend­ing each other.
How and Why It Would Work
  • A con­sumer could type in a key­word or search from a list of cat­e­gories to find answers to his or her questions.
  • Search engines would pick up the arti­cles, videos and infor­ma­tion and over­time will push up your rank­ings. It is eas­i­er to write blogs about the entire home rather than 1 ser­vice. There­fore, good SEO results should be eas­i­er to obtain with qual­i­ty and fresh content.
  • Each ser­vice com­pa­ny can fea­tures his/​her com­pa­ny each week or month: pro­vid­ing a bet­ter chance of more work. (this would be on a rota­tion schedule)
  • Over­time, you will build a trust­ed brand that peo­ple will be talk­ing about.
A Relat­ed Busi­ness Example A few years ago, a com­pa­ny did some­thing sim­i­lar, minus the con­tent mar­ket­ing part (more about that in a minute). It was slight­ly before blogs were pop­u­lar, so they used pri­mar­i­ly the tra­di­tion­al approach. They were called ToFix­It. The com­pa­ny is still around and locat­ed in Phoenix, Ari­zona. It was start­ed by a suc­cess­ful busi­ness­man who owned a large plumb­ing com­pa­ny. He want­ed to get more qual­i­ty refer­rals from his net­works and though the best way was to build a trust­ed net­work. In short, all the com­pa­nies apart of ToFix­It had to be referred into the pro­gram. If the com­pa­ny was approved as a trust­ed con­trac­tor (not every­one made it), they paid a month­ly fee which went towards the mar­ket­ing of ToFix­It. They used radio, TV, mail­ers, mag­nets and the web to pro­mote their busi­ness. Their slo­gan was, We Rec­om­mend The Best and Toss the Rest!” They part­nered with trust­ed news anchors, talk shows and radio host to gain cred­i­bil­i­ty. They also had month­ly net­work­ing meet­ings to help each com­pa­ny get to know each oth­er bet­ter and get more refer­rals. The only thing that ToFix­It did not do till more recent­ly was blog. My per­son­al thoughts are, their blog is not too con­sumer friend­ly, but it is a start. Now all they have to do is add good con­tent that is 100% con­sumer focused, and it will increase their trust­wor­thi­ness even more. It will cut down their tra­di­tion­al mar­ket­ing cost as the search engines begin to pick up their qual­i­ty con­tent, hope­ful­ly pro­duc­ing more leads with less adver­tis­ing dol­lars. Con­sumers use the web to buy, but they also use it to edu­cate them­selves. If you are the source for their answers, you will begin to build a qual­i­ty rep­u­ta­tion. Next Steps Take a look at what ToFix­It start­ed: www​.tofix​it​.com Get inspired. Start your own com­mu­ni­ty based blog for your group of trust­ed busi­ness­es. Also, if you are the one start­ing it, make sure YOU own the site or at least your com­pa­ny has a slight­ly stronger edge. Why not? You’re the one with the idea, right? Have the goal of help­ing con­sumers, not sell­ing them., and the sales will come in time.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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