Contractors! Are You Getting Ready for the Slow Season NOW?
This is your chance to set yourself up for success, building a proactive plan to keep those leads coming.
If you’re a home improvement contractor, you know all too well how much seasonality impacts your lead flow. Especially in our colder climates, summer is the boom season, then fall ramps up with interior work, and then, well, things change… Winter puts a freeze on your pipeline.
It can be tempting to just accept it, riding the roller coaster and assuming that it’s just the way it is. Sure, some of the ebbs and flows are inevitable, but there’s still a lot you can do to smooth it out and stay consistent.
Here are three quick tips for keeping busy right through your slower season.
1. Identify your slow season
This may seem obvious, but we’re not just talking about “winter” in broad terms. Peel back the layers a bit and really take a closer look at the raw data.
In fact, take a look at leads and sales by month from the last 2 – 3 years, and determine when your leads begin to decline. This will give you a more specific timeline, which will then give you better context for building a strategic plan. Don’t forget to consider holidays, elections, and when your ideal clients tend to vacation too. Factors like these impact consumer buying decisions.
When you have a real handle on the specific timelines, and correlating factors, you can then build a precise plan to combat the slumps.
2. Plan ahead!
Sometimes contractors know the slow season is coming, but they’re so busy with the busy season that they really can’t do anything about it. And then, one day, it seems like someone just turned off the cosmic faucet on their lead flow, reducing that waterfall to a drip.
If you wait that long, you’ve waited TOO long. Block off time to plan in advance, at least 90 days. At ADC we call this our “War On Winter” planning, giving our clients time to review their budgets, strategize, and implement an effective approach.
You don’t accelerate once you’re on the highway, right? That’s what the on-ramp is for. So why wait to push the pedal on your marketing?
3. Start marketing now!
Now that you have a plan to combat the slow months, start marketing now! Customers need time to see your company, research, and plan before making a large purchasing decision. Don’t be afraid to fill your calendar a couple months out.
And whatever you do, please don’t cut marketing dollars to try and conserve funds before the wintertime. When you have a long road ahead of you, why would you jettison your fuel?
Bonus tip:
We’re big fans of transparent marketing. Send a message (text or email) to your core clients and let them know that they can plan their winter projects EARLY, saving a spot on your schedule. Make it sound special and exclusive: something only offered to existing, valued customers. You could add an incentive too, if you’d like. Tell them why, too: you’re planning ahead, ensuring that your team is kept busy and working all winter, and you want to extend a special offer as a thank-you for being an awesome customer. Word it how you want!
The takeaway?
Don’t wait to market. Go now. Pedal to the metal. Coasting through summer and then sputtering across the line into winter will guarantee a deeper slump. You’ve got this!