CSI: Paint Splatter

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Sep 27, 2024

 CSI: Paint Splatter

What’ve we got?” Esti­ma­tor Brady from New­Start Paint­ing stepped con­fi­dent­ly into the foy­er of a tow­er­ing home, fresh­ly built in the swanky North­ern Peak Heights Ledge neigh­bor­hood. The street reeked of new wealth and HELOCs.

Home­own­er, age 41. Claims she received a Wel­come to the Neigh­bor­hood’ fli­er from a local painter, boast­ing a 40% dis­count for first-time customers.”

40%,” Brady said know­ing­ly, snap­ping a rub­ber glove over his right hand, then open­ing and clos­ing his fin­gers. So that’s how they got in.”

It was a mess — too much for a weak­er stom­ach. Two appren­tices had to wait out­side, one col­lect­ing him­self in the back of the van, try­ing to process what he had seen.

Keep­ing cool, Brady ran a fin­ger along a base­board. The key was to stay detached. Still tacky,” he said qui­et­ly. They were just here.”

Drips and splat­ters were around the perime­ter of the hard­wood floor, sun­light illu­mi­nat­ing flecks that had reached as far as the walk-in pantry. This was bad. Maybe one of the worst he had seen.

Stand­ing slow­ly, Brady walked into the din­ing room to find the worst of it. Just behind the Live, Laugh, Love sign cen­tered between the wain­scot­ing and tray ceil­ing, he could see dis­crep­an­cies in col­or. The crisp white of Win­ter­time Thigh (he knew the col­or well) was bare­ly cov­er­ing what looked to be a soft blue. Roller marks zig-zagged in a sick­en­ing pat­tern, dis­cern­able with a squint. 

Dear God,” he said. They only used one coat.” Brady tried to con­trol his emo­tions before find­ing the home­own­er, hud­dled in the liv­ing room.

I have good news and bad news,” he said. You were hit hard, but we can turn this around.”

You can?”

We can. And remem­ber, this isn’t your fault. I see it all the time.” The images haunt­ed him every night, flick­er­ing into view when he closed his eyes. Lap marks, brush strokes on the ceil­ing, tape every­where… So much tape…

Brady reached out gen­tly. You’re in good hands now.”

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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