Customer Follow Up Tip

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Jun 8, 2011

 Customer Follow Up Tip
My Fur­ni­ture Story I am in the process of buy­ing a home and decid­ed to upgrade my din­ing room and break­fast nook fur­ni­ture. My wife and I went to a local fur­ni­ture store last night just to take a peak on what was avail­able. A sales­per­son did not attack us the sec­ond we came through the doors, which was quite nice. We got to spend 10 min­utes look­ing around before some­one approached us. He then walked us around, showed us a few items and then said he was not a pushy sales guy and asked if we want­ed to be left alone for awhile. I thought that was a nice touch too. Long sto­ry short, we found some pieces we liked, pur­chased them and left all with­in less than 1 hour. Today, less than 24 hours of pur­chas­ing from this store, I received a phone call from some­one with­in their com­pa­ny. For a sec­ond, I thought, Oh no…that great sale price on the piece we bought was not accu­rate and they are call­ing to ask for more mon­ey!” Boy was I wrong. They called to say, I just want­ed to call and say thank you for using our com­pa­ny. We real­ly appre­ci­ate it. Oh and by the way, we’ll call you in a week or so to give you an update on the items you ordered and an approx­i­mate deliv­ery date…”  The Cus­tomer Ser­vice Tip How many times have you left a busi­ness after buy­ing some­thing and get a quick, Oh thank you for your business…have a great day…Come again soon blah blah blah!” All the time right? Well, this fur­ni­ture store thanked me for com­ing in and more. They went the extra mile and gave me a per­son­al phone call just to say thanks. The tip is sim­ple, make your cus­tomer expe­ri­ence bet­ter by doing this sim­ple lit­tle thing: call to say thanks. Don’t do any­thing else. It does­n’t have to be the day after but at some point, stop, pick up the phone, call them and say how much you appre­ci­ate them using your ser­vice. That’s it…will take you 20 sec­onds. The lit­tle things go a long way. I was so impressed, I’m telling you about my expe­ri­ence with… Ash­ley Furniture. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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