Did You See the New Program from Angie’s List?

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Sep 10, 2020

 Did You See the New Program from Angie’s List?

For years now, Angie’s List has required adver­tis­ers to sign up for a 12-month com­mit­ment. Many of you haven’t had the best expe­ri­ence with the plat­form, mak­ing a long-term con­tract less than attractive. 

They JUST released a new pro­gram that may actu­al­ly be a bet­ter fit, and dove­tail nice­ly with your fall mar­ket­ing plans. 

Details On the New Angie’s List Program

If you pay in full (with a min­i­mum spend of about $1200), you can sign up for a 3‑month con­tract and enjoy a decent amount of expo­sure. Much bet­ter than a full year, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing that a num­ber of my clients have been get­ting super inex­pen­sive leads from the List. 

As an exam­ple, one client pays around $3600/​year to Angie’s List, and in August alone they had 25 leads. Anoth­er client of mine pays around $5,000/year, and in June they received 39 leads, 20 in July, and 17 in August. Pri­or to COVID they aver­aged few­er than 6 per month. 

What’s the Takeaway?

Right now peo­ple are VERY focused on home improve­ment projects. Even if Angie’s List hasn’t been a big win­ner for you his­tor­i­cal­ly, their cost-effec­tive 3‑month com­mit­ment might be a wise choice as you move into fall plan­ning and mar­ket­ing. It’s not a long con­tract, and the lead flow is strong. Why not take advan­tage of it? 

Con­sid­er This Before Sign­ing On the Dot­ted Line…

Results will def­i­nite­ly vary, just like any oth­er mar­ket­ing effort. I also haven’t rec­om­mend­ed this to EVERY one of my clients because its suc­cess will depend on sev­er­al factors:

  1. If the com­pe­ti­tion is heavy in your area, you’ll go up against oth­er top-rat­ed Angie’s List contractors. 
  2. Angie’s List mem­bers also typ­i­cal­ly go with the cheap­est bid since they assume that any­one on the List is rep­utable and good. So, if your prices aren’t extreme­ly com­pet­i­tive, you’ll be at a disadvantage. 
  3. If you aren’t high­ly-rat­ed on Angie’s List, your leads will like­ly not be as strong. 

With that said, it may be worth a shot! And remem­ber, my team and I are here to assist. We can help you cre­ate a strat­e­gy, and talk with a nation­al rep to make a plan that works for you. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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