Does Direct Mail Still Work?

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Nov 10, 2009

 Does Direct Mail Still Work?
Every month or two, I receive a Blue and White adver­tise­ment from Bed Bath and Beyond with a 20% coupon. Sound famil­iar? I do not typ­i­cal­ly need a 20% coupon nor do a buy a lot from them reg­u­lar­ly. How­ev­er, I can count on receiv­ing the coupon each month and when the time is right, I might even use the dis­count. I’ve also got­ten so use to see­ing their 20% off coupon fli­er that I can pret­ty much not even look at it. All this was the nor­mal way of deal­ing with Bed Bath and Beyond each month: I either stuff it in a draw­er or threw it out. I nev­er paid any atten­tion to the adver­tise­ments and spe­cials, because in my mind, I knew the gen­er­al idea of why they were send­ing me their ads: Buy from us and take 20% off your next pur­chase.” How­ev­er, recent­ly I received a plain let­ter enve­lope with my wife’s name as the addressee and the return address with Bed Bath and Beyond on it. Every­thing was typed, no logos. Being a mar­ket­ing guy, I want­ed to know what they were up to in their lat­est direct mail cam­paign! Why the change? When I opened the enve­lope, I received a blue and white 20% adver­tis­ing fli­er. In fact, I believe it was 100% the same as the ones I typ­i­cal­ly receive. The only dif­fer­ence: it was in a white enve­lope. They did some­thing dif­fer­ent to get a bet­ter open rate. Maybe they real­ized peo­ple were stuff­ing or throw­ing them out instead of using them. Maybe peo­ple got too famil­iar with them! I strong­ly believe that because of their name recog­ni­tion and their new white enve­lope cam­paign” home­own­ers were just as curi­ous as I was as they opened the mail piece. Maybe peo­ple even looked at the blue adver­tise­ment to see if it was dif­fer­ent too. What­ev­er the case, Bed Bath and Beyond, a major retail chain in Amer­i­ca is still doing Direct Mail. They have not stopped! So, does direct mail still work? If some­one with the big bucks like BB&B still do it, I must believe that direct mail still works. How­ev­er, the cam­paign still must strike inter­est to the poten­tial buy­er and remain con­sis­tent. The bot­tom line: don’t stop send­ing your mail­ers. Make sure you track results, make any nec­es­sary changes to the way you send them or the offer, and keep send­ing those mailers! BB&B Envelope BB&B2

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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