Don't Forget Branding in Your Community

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Sep 2, 2015

 Don't Forget Branding in Your Community

I some­times see con­trac­tors who are busy get­ting new busi­ness using a num­ber of dif­fer­ent meth­ods, which tends to cost a lot of mon­ey: Google Adwords, Home Advi­sors, Yelp Adver­tis­ing, Ang­ie’s List, and so forth. Some of these meth­ods can quick­ly get leads in the door if you real­ly need them. Yet the one thing that is miss­ing from using these forms of mar­ket­ing is the con­sis­tent brand­ing of your busi­ness in the areas you want to work.

Brand­ing is essen­tial to get­ting bet­ter leads

Brand­ing involves a num­ber of things, includ­ing two impor­tant things: get­ting peo­ple to see who you are and what you do. The more some­one in your tar­get area sees your com­pa­ny’s yard signs, trucks, jobs you are doing, and com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment, the more like­ly that per­son will inquire and per­haps do busi­ness with you when he/​she is in need of your service.

So to get bet­ter and more qual­i­fied leads, your con­tract­ing com­pa­ny real­ly needs to invest some time and resources to build­ing your brand in your com­mu­ni­ty. This should involve both com­mu­ni­ty events and spon­sor­ships. If the mar­ket­ing dol­lars allow for it, you can con­tin­ue to do some of the oth­er online mar­ket­ing items I men­tioned above, but my advice is to real­ly diver­si­fy. I am con­vinced that if you spend more time ener­gy build­ing your brand in your com­mu­ni­ty the online leads will also be stronger, because peo­ple will most like­ly have heard about you around town already.

This is eas­i­er said than done. The num­ber one rea­son why most con­trac­tors do not invest a lot of time in their tar­get­ed com­mu­ni­ties is sim­ply because it requires a lot of time and effort. It typ­i­cal­ly does not require as much resources. It is much eas­i­er to spend mon­ey on a mar­ket­ing cam­paign and just hope for a good ROI.

Com­mu­ni­ty events and spon­sor­ships take time to get that ROI. It hap­pens over the course of many months (and years) of being real­ly con­sis­tent. Your com­mu­ni­ty wants to know you real­ly care about giv­ing back and not just pro­mot­ing your services.

A few com­mu­ni­ty ideas

There are plen­ty of things you can be doing. Here is just a brief list to get you started.

  • Spon­sor a youth sports team
  • Spon­sor a local 5K race
  • Host a blood dri­ve at your office
  • Pro­vide face paint­ing at one of the com­mu­ni­ty events
  • Donate some car­pen­try or paint­ing ser­vices on a reg­u­lar basis
  • Silent auc­tions
  • Join the board of direc­tors of your local chamber
  • Cus­tomer appre­ci­a­tion days (ice cream, cof­fee, beer/​wine)

Works great with a committee

The best way to get start­ed is to form a com­mu­ni­ty events com­mit­tee. Make sure you meet reg­u­lar­ly so the events and spon­sors don’t get missed. Set aside some mar­ket­ing dol­lars for this form of mar­ket­ing. Dom­i­nate your mar­ket and be every­where. Let your com­mu­ni­ty know you are avail­able and ready to serve! These are the things that will help all the oth­er forms of mar­ket­ing work more for you and bring the over­all cost of mar­ket­ing down.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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