Don't Let Your Employee Sign You Up for Facebook

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Jun 19, 2010

 Don't Let Your Employee Sign You Up for Facebook
I did a pre­sen­ta­tion a few months back at a NARI meet­ing about SEO, Blog­ging and Social Media, and most of the group had the deer in the head­light look” when I asked them if they knew much about Face­book and online mar­ket­ing. But, I’m quite sur­prised when I see a con­trac­tor who does not have a Face­book page whether they use it or even know what it is or does! So, why my blog post title? When your employ­ee comes to you and says, Hey boss. We need a Face­book page. We are so ear­ly 2000ish!” Don’t just say, Go for it…sign up…get it done!” Be a lit­tle more cau­tious. What I’ve dis­cov­ered is if an employ­ee is going to have access to your com­pa­ny Face­book and then gets fired, quits or is laid off, you will have a very hard time fig­ur­ing out how to login when you are ready to begin using Face­book for mar­ket­ing. I recent­ly spoke to a painter who asked for my help mar­ket­ing on Face­book, and we were unable to get into their Face­book login page. In this case, they had hired an out­side com­pa­ny to sign them up for Face­book. That is even worst. Because they can­celled ser­vices, the com­pa­ny would NOT release the login infor­ma­tion. So now this paint com­pa­ny has a live com­pa­ny Face­book page with no access! Anoth­er large paint com­pa­ny recent­ly laid off an admin assis­tant who had signed them up for email mar­ket­ing ser­vices on iCon­tact. When I tried to access the site, I could not. No one in the com­pa­ny knew the pass­word, so we had to start from scratch! The bot­tom line is this: if you decide to have a mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny or an employ­ee sign you up for Face­book, any online program/​campaign or even cre­ate your web­site, make sure you are the Admin­is­tra­tor and know all the pass­words. The email address­es should be yours, not your employ­ees. Also, read the fine print if you are deal­ing with an out­side company.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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