Don’t Let Your Leads Freeze This Winter!

Posted by Adam Zobel | Tue, Aug 13, 2019

 Don’t Let Your Leads Freeze This Winter!

As a con­trac­tor, regard­less of whether you’re in the roof­ing, paint­ing, or remod­el­ing indus­try, we know you’re always think­ing a sea­son or two ahead. And if you aren’t, you real­ly should be. 

Right now our clients across the coun­try are prep­ping for win­ter, par­tic­u­lar­ly in those areas that are most impact­ed by inclement weath­er. While you might assume that’s a prob­lem only for those on the east coast, it real­ly tends to hit our west coast friends too. After all, weeks of rain can halt pro­duc­tion, cre­at­ing sim­i­lar issues to those fac­ing snow and ice. 

Bad weath­er is bad for busi­ness, no mat­ter where you live!

So, what can you do about it?

5 Tips for Keep­ing Your Leads Up Through­out the Win­ter Season

#1: Make a Plan

This might sound sim­plis­tic, but you’d be sur­prised by how many busy busi­ness own­ers get in their rou­tines, work­ing with their heads down, until sud­den­ly the lead flow halts. It’s expect­ed, but there are no plans in place. And by the time you get a plan togeth­er, you’re already weeks into a scary-slow period. 

Get ahead of it! Plan NOW for that win­ter lead freeze, active­ly talk­ing with your team about how you can all work togeth­er to cre­ative­ly keep the leads flowing.

#2: Incen­tivize Win­ter Work

For our paint­ing clients, Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary are tough, tough months almost across the board. 

We’re help­ing their teams get the word out NOW about spe­cial win­ter incen­tives for ser­vices sched­uled dur­ing that slow-down. Many peo­ple don’t even real­ize they can book work that far in advance and are hap­py for the con­ve­nience AND the sav­ings. Be hon­est, too! Let them know that your goal is to offer them val­ue AND help keep your awe­some team work­ing all win­ter long. It’s a win-win!

#3: Stay Visible

What service(s) do you most want to pro­mote and sell dur­ing the cold­er (or wet­ter) months? After you have your list, uti­lize social media and client-based email cam­paigns to keep those ser­vices top of mind. Paint­ing cab­i­nets? Share some killer cab­i­net con­tent, plant­i­ng the idea that it’s a MUST-HAVE item before the in-laws arrive.

Roof­ing? Let peo­ple know that, believe it or not, you can roof all win­ter long! And tell them why. Is it your tools, train­ing, expert team, or safe­ty pro­ce­dures? Maybe all of the above? Sud­den­ly you’ve shared your key val­ue points as well as pro­mot­ed services.

What­ev­er you do, don’t slow down on your brand­ing and social media work. If you need to tight­en your bud­get a lit­tle, that’s fine, but don’t freeze it. Shut­ting off a chan­nel like that will always come back to bite you in the end.

#4: Stay Active in Your Community

Nev­er under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of old fash­ioned” mar­ket­ing and brand­ing tech­niques… Local spon­sor­ships, donat­ing time to a fundrais­er, or cre­at­ing hype online by donat­ing ser­vices to a local indi­vid­ual or non­prof­it can keep your name on people’s minds. Local chan­nels and news out­lets may even pick up your sto­ry and car­ry your name a bit further. 

#5: Don’t Be Afraid of Dis­counts and Spe­cial Offers

Win­ter­time sav­ings and incen­tives are total­ly nor­mal, and won’t make you look like a dis­count com­pa­ny. As we touched on above, just share the why”, and make sure you focus on the val­ue you’re offer­ing dur­ing this excit­ing off-sea­son opportunity.

You also can build spe­cial incen­tives around spe­cif­ic hol­i­days. For exam­ple, did you know that Cyber Mon­day is a huge day for our clients? With just 24 hours to lock in the best sav­ings of the year, peo­ple tend to get excit­ed and book esti­mates quickly.

Or, mix and match rel­e­vant ser­vices. Paint­ing cab­i­nets? Add new pulls for free. Roof­ing? Maybe add a free gut­ter clean­ing. You can get creative.

Be Cre­ative, Proac­tive, and Consistent

The right plan can turn a weak sea­son into an awe­some lead-gen oppor­tu­ni­ty. Get­ting ahead of it makes all the dif­fer­ence, as well as expos­ing your­self to cre­ative ideas and mar­ket­ing plans. 

About Adam Zobel

Adam came to us with a background in teaching, writing, and a work history that included serving numerous small businesses (including assisting with content writing and marketing efforts). He was a natural fit, and enjoys connecting with our clients, creating unique content that reflects their culture and voice. We keep him busy! Adam handles blogging, email campaigns, website content creation, copywriting for print and promotional materials, social media, letters, mailers, and more. He also does a dynamo impression of Nicolas Cage, but you didn’t hear that from us. Adam lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two boys. He is also a 1st cousin of David’s wife!


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