Early Thoughts on iPhone 6 and Software Updates

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Sep 10, 2014

 Early Thoughts on iPhone 6 and Software Updates

As I write this, we are await­ing the arrival of Apple’s lat­est and great­est iOS 8 upgrade. This will hap­pen in about 1 week (Sep­tem­ber 17th or 19th). I’ve been test­ing iOS 8 for the past 3 months and real­ly like it. The best part about iOS 8 over the cur­rent ver­sion is yet to come. What I mean is that iOS 8 is sup­posed to be the best update for iOS devel­op­ers. Apple has sup­pos­ed­ly made it much eas­i­er for devel­op­ers to cre­ate far greater fea­tures than ever before. If this is true, busi­ness users of the iPhone and iPad can expect some updates as ear­ly as this fall that will hope­ful­ly blow you all away! I’m keep­ing my fin­gers crossed!

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I’ve only been able to test Apple’s updates to iOS 8, not any new apps. With the new fea­tures alone, it is a wor­thy upgrade that many of you will come to enjoy. I can’t wait to see what some of my favorite apps will be able to do in the com­ing months.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus thoughts:


The num­ber one com­plaint I hear from iPhone users is how the bat­tery life sucks (lit­er­al­ly). Based on yes­ter­day’s keynote from Apple, I can almost guar­an­tee the two new iPhones com­ing out next week will not be an improve­ment. This is quite dis­ap­point­ing from a busi­ness stand­point because many of my clients do not sit at a desk. They are active in the field using quite a bit of talk time and data. Ear­ly rumors say the iPhone 6 Plus (5.5″ screen) will be about 20% bet­ter on bat­tery life for video among oth­er things. This might be one rea­son to upgrade to the larg­er device. This is what I plan to do.


I did not hear any good news about the phones dura­bil­i­ty. Chances are, at least for anoth­er full year, we will all have to buy the extra insur­ance or invest in large, ugly, cas­es that real­ly don’t do much either (hint: no insur­ance on a phone that breaks even in a case).


If you decide to upgrade to the 4.7″ screen size, I think you’ll be quite hap­py with your selec­tion. I test­ed a 4.7″ screen ear­li­er this year on an android (that was the same as the iPhone) and absolute­ly loved the expe­ri­ence. So a great call by Apple here! It is far eas­i­er to read arti­cles and get things done on a big­ger screen.

For the iPhone 6 Plus, this one intrigues me. I am not sure until I hold it in my hands how I will like it. I am guess­ing I will like the big­ger screen for a few rea­sons. I do not nor­mal­ly use my iPhone as a tra­di­tion­al phone, where I hold it up to my ear. I use a Bose ear­piece when mak­ing or receiv­ing calls. I don’t mind a big­ger screen if I am main­ly using my device for work­ing pur­pos­es. I am also using an iPad Mini, which is not that much larg­er than the iPhone 6 Plus. It is pos­si­ble that many of my clients and I could cut out the iPad alto­geth­er and use one device. It seems to be the per­fect size for field employ­ees to do their check­list, take pho­tos, use their cal­en­dar fea­tures, and so on. I’ll update this post once I’ve expe­ri­enced the new phone.

Soft­ware for Business

Apple will be rely­ing on devel­op­ers to pro­mote the iPhone 6, as a busi­ness friend­ly device. Apple con­tin­ues to focus and mar­ket to the con­sumer: indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies. I have not been impressed with the cloud soft­ware Apple has pro­duced to date: Keynote, Pages and Num­bers to name a few. They are super slick look­ing, but they do not com­pare to Google Dri­ve’s prod­ucts or Microsoft. On top of that, their new iCloud Dri­ve seems quite focused on the per­son­al and fam­i­ly expe­ri­ence. I am sure a busi­ness can switch to Apple’s new cloud prod­ucts and make it work. As of Sep­tem­ber 2014, Microsoft 365 and Google Apps for Work, take the cake. Pri­mar­i­ly, I will be uti­liz­ing Google prod­ucts and using Apple hard­ware. If Google and Apple con­tin­ue to play nice­ly, I’ll keep it this way. As far as I can tell, they have no choice but to work together!

Final­ly, do you need to upgrade to the new iPhone 6? I have not addressed all the new fea­tures on the iPhone 6 devices, such as NFC (mak­ing and receiv­ing pay­ments with Apple Pay)! I can see some ben­e­fits to upgrade your crews to the iPhone 6 Plus, if you have future plans on get­ting your employ­ees iPads. How­ev­er, I would not be in a hur­ry to upgrade. We can still func­tion with the devices we have and use dai­ly. I will say, if you are on an iPhone 4S or iPad 1 or 2, it is time to upgrade. Devel­op­ers will and have stopped sup­port­ing old­er devices.

Let me know what you all decide to get and why. Let’s hope fall 2014 iOS updates will make our busi­ness­es even more effi­cient and productive.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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