Elderly Painting Contractor Shocked to Find that "50 Shades of Gray" Is Not a Color Documentary

Posted by Joel Poortenga | Tue, Feb 6, 2018

 Elderly Painting Contractor Shocked to Find that "50 Shades of Gray" Is Not a Color Documentary
Lit­tle Rock, AR - After the local Block­buster stopped rent­ing VHS tapes, elder­ly painter Thomas Jones took to rent­ing DVD’s from Red­box. Last Fri­day, accord­ing to a con­fi­den­tial source, Mr. Jones scanned the avail­able titles, and chose 50 Shades of Gray,” plan­ning to watch it with his wife, Martha. It was­n’t the date night they had pic­tured… Martha and I had been argu­ing about whether greige is a real col­or, and we thought this would set­tle it,” mused Jones, obvi­ous­ly shak­en by the expe­ri­ence. I was hop­ing they would fea­ture my favorite shade of gray.” Martha con­fid­ed to us in a frail voice, Tom has always been par­tial to Ocean Haze, and I love Gran­ite Cliffs, but they nev­er men­tioned either col­or.” I can’t believe peo­ple watch this trash,” con­tin­ued Jones. They nev­er even men­tioned that gray isn’t a real color!”

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