Email Marketing | Mailchimp

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Jul 7, 2010

 Email Marketing | Mailchimp

I’ve tried a num­ber of dif­fer­ent email newslet­ter pro­grams. The leader seems to be Con­stant Con­tact fol­lowed by iCon­tact and Mailchimp. Although I have a lot of clients who already use Con­stant Con­tact, my per­son­al favorite is Mailchimp. Why? Because it is smart and easy to use. Now, when I say easy to use, I mean it is eas­i­er to use than most email mar­ket­ing pro­grams. You still have to know some­thing about design and work­ing with tem­plates. What I like about Mailchimp is they’ve made it easy to import and update your list and cre­ate a sim­ple, yet attrac­tive look­ing email cam­paign. The report­ing sys­tems and Social Media plu­g­ins also make Mailchimp the leader in my expe­ri­ence. Their web­site design and func­tion is also…way bet­ter than its competitors.

Mailchimp also has a free ver­sion! No really…it is free. If you have less than 500 emails in your data­base, use Mailchimp as much as you want! It is 100% free! If you go over the 500 email list (hope­ful­ly you will over time!) then the fees are sim­i­lar to Con­stant Con­tact or iCon­tact. $20 – 40 a month is typ­i­cal. I rec­om­mend not doing the month­ly plans with any email sys­tem unless you plan on using it every month. If it is every quar­ter or even 6x a year, go with the Pay as you Go” plan. Mailchimp has that fea­ture, and it is pret­ty inex­pen­sive (cheap­er than the month­ly ser­vice in most cases).

Although I am endors­ing Mailchimp, that does not mean it is a per­fect pro­gram. There are lit­tle bugs and quirks if you don’t know HTML. For exam­ple, when you cut and paste things, the text some­times gets messed up. This is not Mailchim­p’s fault but just the nature of the beast. They use what is called a wysi­wyg” edi­tor which stands for What You See Is What You Get.” That wysi­wyg con­verts your sim­ple text edi­tor into HTML. That is where you will some­times see some for­mat­ing prob­lems. To avoid this, hire your web design­er to cre­ate and send a cus­tom CSS email just for your com­pa­ny. In oth­er words, if you are not real web-savvy, I’d def­i­nite­ly get help cre­at­ing and send­ing email blast. Email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns should have the same or sim­i­lar brand­ing mes­sage and design as your oth­er mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als. A lot of peo­ple think email mar­ket­ing is cheap. It is inex­pen­sive com­pared to a Direct Mail cam­paign, but you should still spend some time and mon­ey mak­ing it look sharp and useful!

Anoth­er email tool I’d rec­om­mend is: MyEm­ma. MyEm­ma is a MUST for some­one who wants a cus­tom email mar­ket­ing cam­paign. This is for seri­ous email marketers.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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