Face to Face is Still Better Than Social Media

Posted by David Chism | Sun, Sep 16, 2012

Face­book, Google +, Youtube, LinkedIn and Blogs all have their place in today’s mar­ket­ing world. If your com­pa­ny is not on any of these net­works, you need to be! Social net­work­ing is here to stay, and it’s still build­ing deep­er, stronger roots. In the past cou­ple of months, though, I have been eval­u­at­ing how I gain and keep my clients. I looked at my month­ly client list recent­ly and real­ized that I’ve met every client per­son­al­ly: Yes, every sin­gle one. Many of my reg­u­lar clients I’ve met in per­son sev­er­al times. I have com­plet­ed a num­ber of small con­sult­ing jobs for peo­ple I’ve nev­er met in per­son, but I’ve had a hard time retain­ing them for ongo­ing ser­vices. I believe part of that is because I haven’t met them face to face. It remind­ed me that face to face con­tact is still the best way to gain and keep cus­tomers. You can nev­er ful­ly replace peo­ple with dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion. This blog post is just a friend­ly reminder to make every effort to keep your com­pa­ny as per­son­al as pos­si­ble, espe­cial­ly if you are a con­trac­tor. It is easy to get busy with fol­low­ing up on leads, bids and cur­rent jobs. I know what it is like. I’ve been there myself and see this cycle take place often. It is a relief to fin­ish a job, put your new cus­tomer into your email sys­tem, and stay in touch 100% dig­i­tal­ly from then on. Although it is hard, remem­ber to make an effort and fig­ure out a way to con­nect with your cus­tomers from time to time in dif­fer­ent ways. An exam­ple of what I’ve seen that works well: if you are doing a job near­by anoth­er one of your cus­tomers, stop by and leave a note or a small gift. If you know the cus­tomer well, knock on the door and say hi. Sched­ule a phone call from time to time and just say hi! All these lit­tle ways of reach­ing out to a cus­tomer the old fash­ioned” way will only secure a stronger source of busi­ness and refer­rals in the years to come. What has worked for you? How have you branched out with face to face mar­ket­ing” and seen results?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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