Facebook and Twitter for Adults
Facebook: What´s the Big Deal? Six years ago, Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg began Facebook — a website for Ivy League students to connect and interact online. Gradually, the site opened up to new groups of users until anyone over the age of 13 can have a profile. Now, the 1,400 employee company boasts 500 million active users, and suddenly “facebooking” and “friending” are verbs! But the landscape is changing at the world´s largest social networking site: though youths are using facebook from their phones during classes, church services, and while driving, there are now more Facebook users over the age of 35 than under. In the age 65+ category, the number of users has doubled in the last 12 months. Facebook is growing up! So what does this mean for the future of Facebook, and for businesses? Two things are very likely:
- Facebook will begin targeting their site more towards businesses and adults, because that is where more money is found. They have already started down this road by creating Facebook Places: whenever a Facebook user enters a location or business registerd as a Facebook Place, the user can instantly announce to all his or her friends where they are. Users can find friends while out on the town, and businesses get a free name-drop! Also, business “fan pages” are multiplying rapidly, and new applications are being developed that make company websites almost unnecessary. Imagine your business fan page with the tabs of your choice: Customer Reviews, Portfolios, Signup Forms, Surveys, and much more, all for free! As companies sign up, Facebook will increase its services that cater to businesses and consumers.
- For business and social reasons, adults are learning the language and mapping out the terrain of Facebook. As this trend grows, young users will begin looking for a new place where parents can´t monitor them so closely. I think it likely that the younger generation will begin to drift away from Facebook and back towards texting and instant messaging until a new company comes along with a social site just for teens or college students.