Fall and Winter Planning Begins Now
I was just telling my wife yesterday that I wish the month of July would standstill for a little while longer. Now that it is August means that school starts in just a few weeks for many of our kids. August is also the month when many Americans make a last minute ditch for vacation and put home improvement on the backburner. So how can painters, builders and other home improvement trades use their time wisely in the month of August? You got it: Start the fall and winter marketing planning now.
Spend time this month planning out how you will reach out to your existing clientele. How often will you be sending an email newsletter to them? What about calling up customers and checking in about booking work for the colder months early in the fall season? If you offer a painter for a day service, try selling that service now for a later date. Some clients of mine begin their winter discounts in the fall months so that shortly after Christmas through February begins to book up with interior work. However you reach your customers, start the planning now and put some marketing dates on the calendar. The sooner you plan and execute your late fall and winter plan, the more work you’ll book for your crews and not stress so much when the season has arrived! One final tip: It is better to keep your crews working at a lower rate than to have them sitting at home collecting unemployment or worse, looking for another job. Therefore, do not be afraid if you have to book work at a lower rate during your slower season. Raise the rates when you know the work will be hot and heavy! If you are looking for a good way to plan and execute marketing and other business task and events, I would suggest looking at Basecamp 3. Here’s to a productive and profitable 2016 – 2017 Fall/Winter season! I know…sounds weird to already be talking about the cold months in August!