Fall and Winter Planning Begins Now

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Aug 2, 2016

 Fall and Winter Planning Begins Now
I was just telling my wife yes­ter­day that I wish the month of July would stand­still for a lit­tle while longer. Now that it is August means that school starts in just a few weeks for many of our kids. August is also the month when many Amer­i­cans make a last minute ditch for vaca­tion and put home improve­ment on the back­burn­er. So how can painters, builders and oth­er home improve­ment trades use their time wise­ly in the month of August? You got it: Start the fall and win­ter mar­ket­ing plan­ning now.  Spend time this month plan­ning out how you will reach out to your exist­ing clien­tele. How often will you be send­ing an email newslet­ter to them? What about call­ing up cus­tomers and check­ing in about book­ing work for the cold­er months ear­ly in the fall sea­son? If you offer a painter for a day ser­vice, try sell­ing that ser­vice now for a lat­er date. Some clients of mine begin their win­ter dis­counts in the fall months so that short­ly after Christ­mas through Feb­ru­ary begins to book up with inte­ri­or work. How­ev­er you reach your cus­tomers, start the plan­ning now and put some mar­ket­ing dates on the cal­en­dar. The soon­er you plan and exe­cute your late fall and win­ter plan, the more work you’ll book for your crews and not stress so much when the sea­son has arrived! One final tip: It is bet­ter to keep your crews work­ing at a low­er rate than to have them sit­ting at home col­lect­ing unem­ploy­ment or worse, look­ing for anoth­er job. There­fore, do not be afraid if you have to book work at a low­er rate dur­ing your slow­er sea­son. Raise the rates when you know the work will be hot and heavy! base-logo2016If you are look­ing for a good way to plan and exe­cute mar­ket­ing and oth­er busi­ness task and events, I would sug­gest look­ing at Base­camp 3. Here’s to a pro­duc­tive and prof­itable 2016 – 2017 Fall/​Winter sea­son! I know…sounds weird to already be talk­ing about the cold months in August!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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