Fancy Hands - A Virtual Assistant Company

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Feb 15, 2016

 Fancy Hands - A Virtual Assistant Company

In the ear­ly sum­mer of 2013, I heard about a start­up com­pa­ny called Fan­cy Hands that han­dled a pletho­ra of misc 15 minute task with­out out­sourc­ing over­seas. Fan­cy Hands used Amer­i­cans to han­dle the lit­tle things you or I could do but could eas­i­ly be del­e­gat­ed to some­one else. 

Well, I gave Fan­cy Hands a try think­ing I might use it for a month or two. I signed up for the basic account which was, I think $15 a month at the time? I won­dered if I would use up the 3 task with the basic plan. The hard part was won­der­ing what to send the Fan­cy Hands folks to do for me? I was used to doing so many things myself! It did not take long before I was pur­chas­ing more task and upgrad­ing my plan. As I write this blog, I am still using Fan­cy Hands every month and nor­mal­ly use up every task. If I do not use up a task, it rolls over to the next month. I know I could use their ser­vices more, and I am con­tin­u­al­ly look­ing at ways I can have Fan­cy Hands get more involved sav­ing me time.

How I Use Fan­cy Hands

I use Fan­cy Hands for all sorts of task, which is why I am now rec­om­mend­ing it to my read­ers to try it out. I think it is a great way to del­e­gate things that can eas­i­ly be han­dled by some­one else and free up more of your time. I use them to edit my doc­u­ments or blog post just to get a sec­ond pair of eyes on some­thing before I send or pub­lish some­thing. They are super fast at respond­ing for things like that. I have also had them cre­ate Google and Microsoft Doc­u­ments & Spread­sheets for me with a num­ber of those task being very com­plex. The tal­ent pool at Fan­cy Hands is awe­some! Since I start­ed, the cost has gone up to start at $30 a month for 5 task (called Cred­its”) which are 20 min­utes or less each. If a task goes over that, I have to approve using more cred­its (which is easy to do). Only a cou­ple of times have I had an assis­tant do a task that did not impress me. On almost all the task I’ve request­ed over the past few years, I have been very impressed with what has been done by the assistants.

If I can­not fig­ure out how to do a cer­tain for­mu­la in a Google Sheet: Fan­cy Hands is there to help! I have had them do a ton of research projects, call ven­dors back, sched­ule meet­ings, help plan vaca­tion, mar­ket research and more!

This is a short post just to intro­duce to you some­thing that keeps me more free to run my busi­ness and enjoy time with my fam­i­ly. I hope you will come to see just how cool Fan­cy Hands can be for your per­son­al or busi­ness needs. Let me know what you think! You can sign up at this link to save 50% on the first month. So it will only cost you $15 bucks.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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