Freshbooks & Outright | Simple Bookkeeping for Small Business

Posted by David Chism | Sun, Aug 1, 2010

 Freshbooks & Outright | Simple Bookkeeping for Small Business
I am often asked what book­keep­ing soft­ware I use for my busi­ness. You’d think I’d be using one of the big dogs such as Quick­books or Peachtree. Well, I may be forced to do this down the road, but at my size, I decid­ed to try a more sim­ple route. I’ved tried a num­ber of pro­grams online from Quick­books, Clar­i­ty, and IAC-EZ but set­tled upon Fresh­books. You may have heard me rant and rave about how easy Fresh­books is to use, so I won’t con­tin­ue in this post. I will admit, there is NO invoic­ing soft­ware I’ve seen that is as cool and easy to use as Fresh­books. I wish it was a full account­ing sys­tem for con­trac­tors to use. Fresh­books man­ages your clien­t’s esti­mates, invoic­ing and your com­pa­ny expens­es. It also will pro­duce a few sim­ple reports such as a P&L and Expense Report. Con­trac­tors real­ly need to have more fea­tures to track their Gross Prof­it, do Pay Roll and Job Cost­ing, which is why I have not been rec­om­mend­ing this pro­gram too much for my clients. But if you want to use it just for invoic­ing and basic expense report­ing, give it a try! For a full account­ing sys­tem, I’m still rec­om­mend­ing Quick­books Onlines. For job cost­ing, use an advanced Excel spread­sheet! I use to use a pro­gram called Out­right to track my expens­es and tax infor­ma­tion. Out­right is com­plete­ly free, and I’m still not sure why. I’m sure they are build­ing a fan base that will absolute­ly love it and then start charg­ing. It is sim­i­lar to Fresh­books: easy to use: peri­od. I heard that Out­right just released auto­mat­ic bank sync­ing with my bank, so I went back to my Out­right account to test dri­ve it. Wow! After some updat­ing of my accounts, I’m now able to do almost NO data entry in Fresh­books or Out­right. The two pro­grams are linked and update auto­mat­i­cal­ly. My invoic­es are auto­mat­ic and all my expens­es from my bank and cred­it cards are down­loaded auto­mat­i­cal­ly. All I have to do now is make sure I cat­e­go­rize my expens­es, which takes just a few min­utes. So for the small com­pa­ny with 1 – 3 employ­ees, give Fresh­books and Out­right a try. For the larg­er com­pa­ny who needs an easy invoiv­ing sys­tem, try Fresh­books.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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