Go For a More Mobile Office in 2010

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Dec 18, 2009

How much mon­ey do you spend on ser­vic­ing your Servers each year? How many times do you have to call up your com­put­er guru and say, My email is not work­ing?” or My Quick­books file was corrupted.”

Com­put­er hard­ware and soft­ware are a bless­ing to us and many times a curse. Almost every small busi­ness own­er I have spo­ken with has spend many hours of frus­tra­tion and lots of mon­ey fix­ing their com­put­ers. In 2010, I have a New Year’s res­o­lu­tion for you to con­sid­er: Make your office more mobile or online accessible.

Com­put­er pro­gram­mers and soft­ware engi­neers have been work­ing extra hard the past cou­ple of years to cre­ate online soft­ware for small and large busi­ness­es. Graph­ic design­ers have put the fin­ish­ing touch­es to make the pro­grams user friend­ly. For exam­ple, ACT! soft­ware dom­i­nat­ed the small busi­ness mar­ket for qual­i­ty Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment (CRM) soft­ware. Now com­pa­nies such as Sales­force, Sug­ar­CRM, and Zoho have made easy to use and cus­tomiz­able CRM pro­grams avail­able online. They offer stor­age, added secu­ri­ty, acces­si­bil­i­ty and trou­ble-free usabil­i­ty for a small month­ly fee. Quick­books, the #1 sell­ing small busi­ness account­ing sys­tem, now offers a very easy to use online ver­sion. Some accoun­tants were not hap­py with the usabil­i­ty a few years ago, but in 2009, QB online is def­i­nite­ly a per­fect option for small busi­ness own­ers. They have made it very easy to use!

Final­ly, because most busi­ness own­ers have been cut­ting back on per­son­nel and over­head, a mobile office is def­i­nite­ly the way to go! iPhone, Black­ber­ry and Droid ver­sions of account­ing, sched­ul­ing, CRM and more are hit­ting the mar­ket­ing almost every month. Going mobile should def­i­nite­ly decrease the amount of times you need to con­tact your IT per­son. It will make you far more pro­duc­tive and low­er your stress too!

If you have mobile office and online soft­ware ques­tions, feel free to email me!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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