Google Contacts Fresh New Look

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Sep 6, 2016

 Google Contacts Fresh New Look
If you use Google Apps for Work, chances are you do not use the Google Con­tact fea­ture much. It was old, ugly and not real intu­itive. This week, Google did a major redesign to Google Con­tacts. It is a big step for­ward to make me actu­al­ly use it more myself! Google contacts Besides a few user inter­face (UI) changes, it also makes it eas­i­er to find and remove or merge dupli­cate con­tacts. It also makes it easy to cre­ate email groups. Using groups is great if you email more than one peo­ple from with­in a com­pa­ny. So for me, when I am email­ing one of my clients, I might need to remem­ber 5 – 6 emails every time. If I set­up a group, I just start typ­ing the name of that group, and all par­ties are includ­ed in that email. I am just dig­ging into any­thing else I find unique about the new Google Con­tacts. The only oth­er notice­able change, which can come in handy is the new con­ver­sa­tions” sec­tion. If I click on a con­tac­t’s name, I can see recent con­ver­sa­tions I’ve had with them, instead of search­ing Gmail for spe­cif­ic emails. Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 1.51.24 PM You should be able to pre­view the new con­tacts here. If you are not ready to make the switch for what­ev­er rea­son, you can always revert back to the old Google Con­tacts. Now I’m just wait­ing for Gmail to inte­grate Con­tacts & the Cal­en­dar with­in Gmail! It is still a bit dis­joint­ed at times with­out using plu­g­ins (aka Labs).

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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